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forum Hogwarts Houses
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 52 followers

Deleted user

Basically, what Hogwarts houses are your characters? For example:

Hollyn - Hufflepuff
Elowan - Gryffindor
Adrien - Ravenclaw
Flora - Hufflepuff
Sequoia - Slytherin
Cerulean - Ravenclaw

Deleted user

Avery- Slytherin
Brandi- Ravenclaw
Sam- Hufflepuff
Angel- Gryffindor
Asher- Hufflepuff
Roxanne- Hufflepuff
Cherry- Hufflepuff
Bren- Slytherin
Hunter- Ravenclaw

@EmptyNebula group

wow, I have so many characters and I only used the ones that I use in rp, here I go

Adonis- Slytherin
Adrian- Slytherin
Alexa- Ravenclaw
Caleb- Hufflepuff
Dylan- Gryffindor
Jordan- Slytherin
Kenna- Slytherin
Kenny- Hufflepuff
Lena- Ravenclaw
Lexi- Gryffindorr
Lucas- Hufflepuff
Luke- Ravenclaw
Nova- Ravenclaw
Raven- Gryffindor (ironic)
Samantha- Gryffindor
Simone- Ravenclaw
Veronica- Slytherin
Victoria- Slytherin
Xander- Gryffindor
Zack- Gryffindor

@Becfromthedead group

So I’ll do main casts by separate stories:
Xander- Hufflepuff
Elizah- Slytherin
Niko- Gryffindor with Slytherin tendencies
Ilya- Gryffindor
Donatella- Hufflepuff
Marin- Ravenclaw
Asa- Ravenclaw with Hufflepuff tendencies
Vida- Hufflepuff
Jem- Gryffindor
Giordan- Hufflepuff with Ravenclaw tendencies

Aurelius- Ravenclaw
Valkyrie- Gryffindor
Fiera- Slytherin
Moreau- Hufflepuff with Gryffindor tendencies

Marcel- Ravenclaw with Gryffindor tendencies
Sebastian- Slytherin
Lavender- Hufflepuff
Solomon- Gryffindor
Addy- Slytherin
Thrace- Ravenclaw
Mireille- Hufflepuff

@that1_T0ad language

Acadia: Hufflepuff
Peter: Gryffindor
Ethan: Hufflepuff with Ravenclaw tendencies
Zahara: Gryffindor with Slytherin tendencies
Daffodil: Ravenclaw
Thomas: Slytherin with Ravenclaw tendencies
Judah: Hufflepuff
Ada: Hufflepuff

Everrose: Gryffindor with Slytherin tendencies
Verlio: Gryffindor with Ravenclaw tendencies


im just going to go with my main/most commonly used characters

Ramule Black - Gryffindor
Samule Black - Ravenclaw
Rosette Black - Hufflepuff
Okuma - Death Eater
Xela - Hufflepuff
Caerule - Slytherin
Rio- slytherin
Kaleb - Gryffindor

ME!- Ravenclaw with an osprey patronus and a cherry wood wand w/ dragon heartstring core!


Morrigan: Slytherin
Macha: Ravenclay/Slytherin
Badb: Hufflepuff
Aethelind: Hufflepuff
Barry: Ravenclaw/Slytherin
Lenn: Ravenclaw
Fea: idk