Ok, so ive been working on a character named Trent Dranson. Hes like the advice giving, matchmaker, coffee shop server. It would be cool to see him drawn. So like im sotra thinking, a bit of the very curly haired Ashton Irwin pics for an idea. Let me know what you think of him as well. Invalid Character
I really like him! I don't have a lot of feedback for you but I really like the way he acts from what you said.
I got bored and drew him. I think he's a really cool character, and will make any story interesting. I'm not sure how to actually send the image though. It's also pretty bad and only a head shot.
Thats awesome Meg! Could you find a way to send him to me? Even if it's posted somewhere else and you could send a link? It sounds cool, and it would be VERY appreciated!