forum hey can you judge my character? thank you
Started by @sharkfinn_ey

people_alt 8 followers

@Raziel Gallephraya

Under the flaws I feel like you should definitely add more. Not ever giving up can be a really good thing sometimes, and it's not really a flaw. There's a fine line between flaws and perfection, and you really want to be right in the middle-ground if you're making a protagonist.

Prejudices aren't really what they're scared of, what you've put is more of a quirk. Prejudices are more of what they stand for and things they hate and love to see people doing (example: strongly for equal treatment and rights).

With the personality, there's a lot of things there that could fit into mannerisms or notes. Other than those few things, it's good but could use a little bit more about how she acts.

Other than that everything is really awesome! Good luck in writing


i'm Dutch and couldn't fully understand all the terms haha, so i'll fix that! thanks:)
she's quite new and the storyline is still quite unclear so that's not making it much easier xd

thanks for your advice:D