forum Help with character name
Started by @The Dude Man Guy

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@The Dude Man Guy

So in my fantasy story I have a character who is a mountain sage and is based around Shaolin monks as he dresses like one, trains high up in the mountains and practices martial arts. The problem I'm having is thinking of a suitable name, I don't want one to foreign that it seems like he is all the way from China, Japan or India but one that isn't to "Americano" like Richard or Jack. One that is kind in the middle of foreign as he is a Shaolin monk of sorts but lives close enough to the city to be influenced by modern trends.

@Starfast group

Maybe you could try some fantasy name generators? This is one that I use a lot. It has an option for Asian sounding names so maybe it'll come up with something that's suitable for your character.

Sometimes it gives you some really weird or difficult to pronounce names like "Niyeunghwang" but every now and then it'll turn up something that's actually useable (like Kotai, or Hido).

If you're not getting anything that you like, then sometimes what I do is I'll choose a generated name that I kinda like and alter it slightly by adding or removing certain letters. Hopefully this helps :)


You can look for Asian (sounding) names that are very popular in the west/ america. This gives it a touch of western but still makes sure it isn't -too- western. Think of things like Ling, I guess.