forum Help w/ my gender-fluid character?
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people_alt 56 followers

Deleted user

Hi, so I need some people who have some knowledge on writing gender fluid characters. I REALLY don't want to offend anyone, so I figured I'd ask for help. So any constructive criticism and/or advice on writing fluid characters would be DEEPLY appreciated!
Here's Quinn: Invalid Character

@Williamnot group

A general tip, don't draw much attention to the fact that they're gender fluid. Unless the fluidity is a major part of the story, the most attention it should get is the character's friends and family asking what their pronouns are for the day, and then using those.
The fact that they are gender fluid should get relatively the same amount of attention as the fact that other characters are cisgender.

As a member of the LGBT+ community, the best representation is the representation that doesn't have attention drawn to it. I like seeing gay characters have romantic scenes that could be cut without impacting the story, because the same can be done for a lot of straight romantic scenes. I like seeing nobody react to a non-binary character's pronouns or another character's pride pins.
The best representation is the representation that treats the characters like there's nothing ou of the ordinary, because there isn't anything out of the ordinary.

Deleted user

Thank you so, so much. This was super helpful. Quick question: Does Quinn look good so far or are there some changes I should make to make them more realistic/relatable?