So I finally decided to create a universe focusing on humans (I did animals mostly) and now I'm stuck on what is considered healthy for a person's age, height, etc. How do you calculate that? Like, if a guy's 22 and athletic, where do you go from there?
well i can answer that for ya. basically it doesn't depend on the age, because i have seen short guys and all. so basically the healthy weight for a guy is about the 100 pounds area mark. you can kind of determin weight like a girl, but add a little more to it, guys should weigh more than a girl, not always nut usually.
Alright, usually I use my dad and brother's weights/heights to help me there. I think picking a person you know as a base usually helps. For example, my friend made a character who was about 6'2" and athletic, and she made him waaaaaay too heavy, like, almost 200 pounds. He's a pretty thin dude. So, I helped her using my brother's proportions. My brother is 6'2" and about 145 pounds (he's thin hecc), but he's healthy/athletic. So, I suggested she make her character between 150 and 160 pounds, which is much more realistic.
Honestly, just use a BMI calculator. That's what I did, and I have a character who's basically a Gerudo woman from Legend of Zelda.
I just use this:
I literally have no concept of how much things weigh, so this has been really helpful for getting an approximate weight of my characters.