forum give me ur character memes
Started by @The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

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@Starfast group

I'm trying to make a post in the Plot Twist thread over in General writing but ended up making this instead:

(I originally made this with a specific plot twist in mind, but it also applies to Gerard, as well as Matthew now that I think about it).

@John-Mulaney-Killed-Princess-Diana group

Tag yourself as my oc's

No eyes (Seraina)
-Super salty
-Runs on vodka and whiskey
-Looks like she could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll
-Refuses to call helicopters anything but "hellcroppers"

LeT mE SpEaK tO ThE mAnAgEr (Baden)
-Ran out of fucks to give long ago
-Would literally do anything for Pepper (Adrianna)
-Even saltier than No eyes (Seraina)

Pepper (Adrianna)
-Sweet to most but hates one person with a burning passion
-Mom friend tm
-Always the smartest person in the room
-A lot more patient than she thinks she is

Himbo Jimbo (Aviian)
-Total sweetheart
-Total himbo
-Ride or die for his friends
-Actually calls his mom after he moves out

Nightshade (Audrey)
-Down to party never
-Only time she's ever laughed was while watching the "JUAN." vine.
-Naturally suspicious but quite sweet
-Gives off 6 a.m. Starbucks vibes

PIRATE (Lennox)
-Looks younger than she actually is
-A lot of pride and a lot to prove

@Starfast group

(funny story, Ravina's speech bubble was originally going to be a long winded rant about why that's a bad idea, but somehow it was funnier like this).

(I found this one in my character meme folder, I feel like I made it for a different thread here but it's still relevant).