Started by @KalamariCakes

people_alt 57 followers


I won’t be able to reach the final product, if that’s the case. Could you possibly upload it to google photos or drive and PM us the link?



Could you draw my three girls in any mildly intimidating position, with Morrigan in the middle, Macha on the left, and Badb on the right, plus the Pitbull standing slightly to the right of Badb? Maybe with a crow perched on Morrigan's shoulder?
Also, please draw them without the wings, if that's okay.

here they are:



@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Could you possibly draw two or three of my characters for me? I know that you're busy with other drawings, so I just ask that you keep me updated once you get around to my characters. Thanks in advance, and please don't be afraid to ask me any questions that you might have!





Can you do mine? I just need a waist up drawing of him without a shirt on. He needs to have three scars running down his chest from right above his heart down to his waist. He should have a tattoo of a snake on his right arm. The tail starts on wrist right where his pulse would be, and spirals up his arm to where it splits into three heads, one going strait and the other two going off to either side and nearly meeting on the bottom of his arm. I know its a lot so take your time. Here's his info:


Can anybody draw this? (I think it is simple enough)

just a frontal head to shoulders would be great
maybe message me the final product if anyone even sees this


If you end up having any time, I'd LOVE it if you would draw these two characters, maybe holding hands or hugging or something? Maybe kissing? I dunno, something hinting at romance please!! Jayvion should also have a couple scars on his face, but just very subtle ones. Please ask me if you have any questions. THANK YOU!!

ALSO, my email is