forum Does my character's abilities make sense?
Started by @T1mmy

people_alt 9 followers


I have a character that is and angel, but has teleportation magic too. Do you think that it's okay to have both? She's a little brat so she takes food and teleports into the sky so nobody can catch her, or at least that's my idea. Does it work? I fear that I'm giving some of my characters to many repetitive powers.

@Broken Princess

It depends on how the magic works in your world. If all angels can teleport, then I'd say it makes sense. If, in your world, an angel is just someone with wings, then I suppose it'll be possible for different angels to have different abilities. However, it seems strange that she can teleport when she could just use her wings and fly.


Yea, that's why I'm wondering if it works. In my world, people have different magical abilities, but she uses a magical item to teleport that isn't directly related to any of her magical strengths. I just don't know if other people would like it. :-/


How far is the range of her teleportation? Are there any drawbacks to using it? It seems like an interesting ability, but you'd need to balance it so that having it doesn't make flying useless or that it's useless compared to flying.

Think of teleportation more as a portal opened that she can step through and you have a tool she can use when flying just won’t do. Possibly limit it to only places she can see, and only usable a certain number of times before she must replenish her energies


That seems fairly balanced with the 'limited uses' and 'line of sight' conditions. I'd say go for it-you could even work in drama into the story where the item is lost/stolen (especially if she only notices when she tries to teleport)


it seems like it could work, as long as you make sure to set up some rules, such as how different teleporting and flying are. does one take up more energy than the other? is one of them easier? more fun? it all depends on you making sure that your character isn't all powerful, otherwise your readers will be left wondering why she didn't teleport out of a risky situation.


thanks! I'm glad I asked because it's already really helped. :3 Thanks to all of you awesome people, I'll make sure to set up some rules for her powers.