forum Critique this character?
Started by @Paperok

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@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

Cera definitely needs to be fleshed out some more description-wise, especially regarding history and personality. She just seems very flat. You say that Cera is emotional and overprotective of her siblings, but give no insight into how it effects her actions or how that impacts on her siblings. And while emotional characters are great, you need to add some rounded qualities to stop them from seeming melodramatic, or codependent. Often in fiction, especially YA, female characters are overly clingy either to their love interest, or in this case, family, and end up annoying the reader rather than allowing the reader to empathise with them, and if they're the main character, it can get extremely grating. You also might want to add some context, or link your context to the page, just so that for future critiques, the critiquer might have some idea about the people or plot points you are talking about.
Do with this what you will, and if you wouldn't mind critiquing back :)