forum Critique My Ladies?
Started by @Lightningclaw13 group

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ayana- very well written character, may be a little young for a strong fighting character, but that will only add to the story

fjola- nice character, feels like an aunt type of

jasmine- she is a very relatable character

karla- well rounded, full of detailes

lily- honorable character, readers will be excited to see this character grow

talia- tough, intimating character

overall well rounded characters, and story line. height and weight relating to age is extremely accurate.

@Lightningclaw13 group

@"Suga Lover"
Thank you so much!
One thing though, Ayana only really fought once. Even then, she just distracted while her mother did the real work. Oh and I'm kinda surprised you thought Talia was intimidating.
Again, thank you!


The only reason Talia seemed intimidating is of her appearance, (which can make a bigger impression then personality sometimes) her scars, burns and muscles and how she always has at least on hand on her hip.