I’ll give it a shot! Though I can only critique a few right now, I may come back to the rest later!
All right, here we go.
So first off, Cicada. I’m a bit confused by her hair color. What exactly do you mean by “quickly the red retreats to her roots and tips leaving the rest brown”? Is this a time thing? Or is this something that happens during the story? Is it natural? Explain! You also said that she has a flame over her eye? What do you mean by that? Is it a tattoo or a mark? Is it also natural?
In her hair style, you said her hair is long, but how long exactly?? Long means something different for every person, and it’s always good to have an almost exact estimate to help you and others know what she looks like! I try not to be super picky with the look section of characters because I know how it can get when writing them lol.
Alright, now to the nature part of her.
I don’t think “disliking people who think they’re better than every else” is necessarily a prejudice. It’s just really more of a dislike and preference than anything. Also, why does she dislike those who work for shadows or Brecken? Detail is always super important for these types of things! You want to be able to show this to someone who has never even heard of your character and story and have them be able to understand exactly who your character is, why they act the way they do, and their story!
This is just my opinion, but I think you should go a bit more in depth in her personality section! From what I can tell, she seems like a super flawed character, and by that I mean she has lots of flaws personality wise haha. I’m sure she’s got her good traits as well, but you only put two! And you even said that she’s only outgoing and charismatic occasionally! So put the rest down! If she doesn’t have many good traits, and ends up seeming like an annoying/bad character (not saying she is tho lol), then what is going to make the reader root for her?
Her background to me seems very… bare? There’s not much you explained other than who her parents were and that she met her friend, and I guess that forenfir burnt down as well. Add some more things! What were some moments in her childhood that really effected her? What kind of childhood did she have exactly? How did she feel after the place burnt down? Again, details!
Alright, now on to Breeze!
Again, in her identifying marks you said she has some patterns and butterfly wings and… mark of the storm wind? Explain! Are they naturally there? If not when did they appear? And what is the mark of the storm wind?
Woah, she seem super under weight, like almost anorexic? If that’s not what she’s supposed to be then I suggest raising it. Google said average weight of a 17 y/o female is like 130 lbs, but even that seems a bit too low for me unless they’re super skinny and short.
Alright, now for personality and the rest of that fun stuff!
So what exactly do you mean when you say one of her talents is “having a heart”? Do you mean literally or metaphorically? I’m assuming metaphorically lol, but you never know. Also, why is that a talent? Is it uncommon for people of her age or race or even of her time to be kind? Are a lot of people rude in the story?
Her flaws confuse me a bit. She’s too kind and caring but holds hate in her heart? Do you mean she herself is hateful? Because to me that doesn’t really mix well with being kind and caring. Or do you mean she holds others hate in her heart? Like when people are evil or mean, she holds onto it? Her flaws also seem a bit meh. She doesn’t really have any actual Flaws. Like yeah, I guess people can be too nice, but that’s boring! That makes for a boring character! Put more depth into it! She’s too trusting of cicada? Why not expand that and say she’s too trusting Of others in general, and because of this, she can be taken advantage of and can be considered naive? That’s just an example of what I mean, but I suggest expanding on her flaws.
Hmm, it’s the same thing with her as cicada, her backstory is so bare! Did she ever search for her parents? Does she know where they are or what happened to them? Did anyone take care of her for a time? Again, details!
Well, that’s all I have time for! Sorry they’re a bit long haha, I like to go really in depth when I critique things lol. But that’s about all I could find wrong other than grammar problems here and there!
If I have time tomorrow I’ll come back and do the other two! Good luck with your story!