forum Create a character within my animated series!
Started by @Cyndi4U emoji_events

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@Cyndi4U emoji_events

So I'm creating an animated series and planning it out on here first, but I need ideas for side characters. After coming up with the main cast, I ran low on ideas, so I came here to ask you for ideas! Here is the link to the universe page: Urban Elements Universe
If you're interested, be sure to read up on the things I've created within the universe! You don't need to come up with a fully fleshed out character if you just have an idea or a design, all ideas are welcome! Anything you don't think of, I'll try to fill in if I like the idea. Also, within this universe, all characters have a personal emblem that acts like a signature. You'll see in the character's I've created that they all have an emblem within their image gallery, so if you want to come up with one you can take a look at those to get a sense of what they look like.
Thank you, and happy writing!

@Cyndi4U emoji_events

So I just updated the element bending magic pages, as there was some confusion with how they worked, so if you were confused about that hopefully I cleared it up! If not, please ask what's confusing you, I'd love to clarify!


Name: Iyo Kane
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Role: Paper Elemental
Powers: Strong veil
Appearance: Rather delicate-looking. She is very pale with black eyes, and her ginger hair seems very out of character, to say the least (she panicked and dyed it). She always keeps it in neat twin braids on either side of her head. She has childlike features, such as perpetually widened eyes, that make her look much younger than 19. Her arms are covered in various scratches and scars which are a mystery to everyone except her (although even she has trouble remembering where she got them sometimes). Her ears display a variety of different piercings.
Personality: INFJ-T (Advocate) caring and respectful of others, but introverted and very grounded.
Weapons: Paper stars because she doesn't like combat, but REALLY doesn't like very close-range combat.
That's it, that's the character. Here you go. 👍

Deleted user

walks in awkwardly so umm i saw this a few days back and ever since i've been working on a guy for ya-

i don't know all the details of your world but if you want i can send him now and you can adjust him to however you like
(just a little note that i kinda got a little carried away with his template-)

Deleted user

ah! okay, cool !! ^^

name: vaxen kohza

nickname: vex

age: 18

gender: male

sexuality: demisexual/pansexual

role: soloist- assassin, bodyguard, killer, and/or a soldier who is able to react quickly. his elemental is smoke but he rarely uses it, he likes the more physical side of combat

appearance: is 5'8 in height and 126 in weight. He has blue-green eyes which used to have a hint of mischief and brightness in them, but now that he's grown up, they seem dull and uninterested. His hair is black and straight (unlike him), the sides of his head are supposed to be shaved but it's grown out a little since he doesn't keep up with it. The top part of his hair is usually in a really short ponytail, with some shorter wisps of hair falling over his ears, framing his face a little. Thicker strands of hair fall over his face when it's up in a ponytail so he is forced to keep it back with bobby pins, an example of what his hair would look like is this: ( vex has more of a cute baby face which isn't at all intimidating, but it does give him an advantage when dealing with people who underestimate him because they usually have no clue that he's a professional at kickboxing. He does have the black studded earrings like in the picture, around the same size too. vex has a more vanilla skin tone with a combination of mesomorph and ectomorph body types, he doesn't work out regularly, only when he feels in the mood. other than kickboxing, he knows a bit of martial arts on the side (enough to bring down an opponent), his main weapon used to be the bo staff, though because of reasons he had to sell it and is now stuck with a long metal pipe he found in an alleyway.

clothes: vex usually wears some cargo baggy jogger pants with a sleeveless hoodie, mostly in black because it hides him in the dark when night hits and people are out looking for him. his shoes are these used converse high tops that he's had for some time now and it shows the hell he's been through. another accessory he has are these two keys that hang by a thin metal chain, one is brand new (as new as he can get them from a pawn shop) and another key which is metal and rusting, they look like decorations but behind them, there's a small blade hidden that he could definitely use for emergencies. ( (

vex is the type to wear black nail polish, the only problem is that he doesn't keep up with them and they end up chipping off.

Personality: vex is normally a kid that minds his own business and is independent, while this personality trait of his is good, it also has a bad side to it. if he sees someone drowning, he won't go out of his way to help them, goes to show how lazy he really is. despite him being very indifferent, there is one thing that will get him motivated to act. that's where his next personality trait comes in, vengefulness. if vex holds any sort of grudge, or you've done him wrong in the past, he'll remember you until the day he dies- or the day he kills you/gets back at you. he's very tough and doesn't know the meaning of the word fear. he's someone that doesn't let anything go, no matter how minor it may be. because of this, he may seem like a very bitter person but he does have a sweeter side to him. one thing that he absolutely cannot stand is when someone is being unreasonably evil and is causing trouble left and right, he can't stand chaotic people and people who hurt others for their own benefit. on the other hand, vex can be a very paranoid boy because of the conditions he's lived through to get to where he is now, this can also explain why he snaps at people randomly and is ten times more likely to be irritated. although he has all these bad qualities, vex hates them- or more specifically, hates himself. he indulges in a lot of self-pity and wishes everything could be over for him, which is why he does so many reckless things, constantly putting himself into danger and being highly suicidal. vex may not look like it but he's a huge crybaby too. something unexpected that catches others off guard when they engage with him, is his awkwardness. the kid can be very painfully awkward and has a hard time looking at others in the eyes, but if you have patience with him he will eventually warm up to you and feel more at ease. if you happen to be someone that has caught his eye or someone that he cherishes, he will go out of his way to make you feel safe and check up on you to make you're okay. vex can be pretty nice, he has this "motherly protective" instinct, but he chooses who he is like that with and it's very hard to enter that close circle of people he cares about. another minor thing about vex is that he's good at critical thinking under pressure and at making decisions, his head is always cool, especially when lives are on the line that he's trying to protect.

hobbies: parkour and lock picking, because not only is it something that he enjoys doing but also something that helps him in his day to day life.

letter writing, it's something he does in his free time when he knows he's safe and has time to unwind. his letters are written to a friend who passed away five years ago, they were very close and used to write each other letters back and forth, it's the only thing vex has that will keep him sane. he has kept all the letters his friend sent him (and rereads them from time to time), if he finds that he lost one he'll have a mental break down- if someone has stolen one from him for whatever reason, he'll be out looking for blood.

martial arts, like karate and kickboxing. this used to be something he did for fun but in his current situation, it's something that's kept him alive. he has used it to knock out an opponent or just downright kill them. he's more experienced and a professional at kickboxing than he is at karate.

scrapping, while this can be considered a hobby, vex doesn't do it as a hobby, he does it for the benefit. if he scraps enough metal he could cash in forty dollars to a hundred or more, depending how much work he puts into it. Somedays he gets too lazy and only earns twenty dollars, just enough to buy food since he lives on the street and doesn't have anywhere to go.

(i really haven't done his background because i figured you would like to do that so i left it blank, i hope he's okay and if you wanna change anything go right ahead cause he's yours now)

Deleted user

Brooooo. Your character has so much more detail than mine I feel bad now 😂

ahaha don't sweat my dude, i just tend to have a lot of free time on my hands and writing characters is a passion of mine (^v^)

Also @vanillapop, WHOAAAA, that's more detailed than most of my notes! I'm writing the character entry and emblem rn! (♡μ_μ)

dude, i told ya i got hella carried away XD i got way too excited as i was writing him cause i love my more darker characters

and cool man! i can't wait to see it ^^

Deleted user

By 126 in weight, do you mean lbs or kg?

lbs, and he may be a bit thinner than most but that's just because of how his life is at the moment