forum Could Someone Help Me Improve This Character?
Started by @Boots

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Hello! This is less about improving the actual character and more the way I formatted the character sheet.
If anything, if someone could just help me figure out how to add more detail and such, that would be wonderful


sections i've added to my sheet:
-health (overall, physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual would probably be applicable for you)
-weaknesses (seeing as your character is a god, this could refer their kryptonite or whatever, or for a normal character it could be something they struggle with that isn't necessarily a personality flaw ex. time management, forgetfulness, etc.)
-relationship with friends, relationship with family, relationship with other major characters (ex. how close they are, the history between them, how they interact, how they feel about each other, etc.)

you can also add open ended sections for friends/enemies/family so you can elaborate and add more than just a link to the other person's page.

fill out every available section as best and as detailed as you can. yes, it's tedious, but it's helpful in fleshing out your characters and making them as realistic as possible. even if you add bits that will never be written into your story, it can help you with aspects that will be included.

for example, i'd recommend filling out the mannerism section more. when i write mine, i look up lists of mannerisms and watch the people around me. how do they sit, stand, walk? how do they talk? what are their nervous/uncomfortable tics? what is their "tell" when lying? do their mannerisms change depending on who they're around? these things are especially helpful when writing show-don't-tell type of things with emotion/body language.

i also think you should fill out the personality type section. for my characters, i generally make that section a long list of adjectives and qualities, good, bad, and neutral. i found that for that section, it helps to pick a personality type (i use myers-briggs, but you could use whatever you like) and build off of that.

in terms of general tips for adding detail, look at people, archetypes, personality types, and other characters, and pull traits from various sources to create your characters. i have a character inspired by a random musician, a cartoon character, and a jeopardy contestant. you can find inspiration anywhere. also, don't try to rush the character development process. take breaks between working on characters, and let the ideas roll around in your head.

hope this helps!