forum (CLOSED PERM.)Tell me what your character looks like, their aesthetic, likes and dislikes, and I'll pair them with one- or two- of my own Characters
Started by @QUABSTIX group

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Kinda sad :) and in need of some human interaction during this pandemic :) also, I'm kinda new to this ~stuff~ and would like to make some friends! I have no idea what im doing :)

( You are allowed to submit as many characters as you want!)

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Amon has dyed blue hair in a bob, bangs cover his eyebrows. His eyes are a light purple with no pupil and look constantly sad and spacey. His nose and cheeks are splattered with freckles. He's pretty small and always wears a turtleneck sweater to cover some real nasty scars.
His aesthetic is probably sitting outside in the rain, mist coating the forest floor.
He likes quiet places, the library he works out, his sister, sweet things, coffee.
He dislikes uhh, not a lot of things actually. And if he did, he's too polite to say it.

@sock group

This looks fun!
Ren has straight black hair that's long and usually in a ponytail. Her eyes are dark brown and almond shaped. You will usually see her in shirts with horrible cat puns or comfortable hoodies.
Her aesthetic is staying up late to study with a hot drink nearby, Lo-fi music playing softly in the background.
She likes cats, bad jokes, browsing the internet, and cooking.
She dislikes bugs (particularly cockroaches), arguments, and strong smells.



I pair Amon with my character Jomei!

Jomei is a tall, blue alien with sunflower colored hair and lime green eyes. His hair is shaggy and wind blown like the stereotypical surfer boy and his eyes are always very calculating and curious. Golden runes mark his cheeks, the tops of his shoulders, and the underside of his hands. Jomei is pretty fit, but does not willingly workout. His attire mostly consists of white tank tops and grey, baggy sweatpants but, when he really tries to dress up, he wears a cotton grey sweatshirt and black dress pants.
Jomei is naturally a quiet/peaceful being that enjoys watching the birds outside and likes to work in calm places like the library or a local coffee shop! He is not really a fan of hot weather so, being able to sit out in the cold rain while drinking something equally cold ( maybe frozen chocolate ) is a real treat!

Amon seems ( to me ) like a character that really enjoys the presence of others rather than constant conversation and, being paired with Jomei, it seems like the perfect fit! I imagine them silently- but comfortably- sitting in the outside area of a small coffee shop under the over hang while listening to the rain pitter patter around them! Or, maybe, Amon is a common customer to the same coffee shop Jomei works at and finds comfort in the quiet man that takes his order every day and is always so genuine about asking how his day has been!
And maybe while Amon is working at the library, he slowly takes notice of the tall man from the coffee shop that always seems to come in on his shift, and sit quietly at one of the tables while reading books that seem to be a thousand pages long.

I hope you like my pairing :) Amon and Jomei just seem to me like they'd be great together !



I pair Ren with my character Odin!

Odin is a tall elf with fluffy white hair that's parted to the right and has pool cloudy, green eyes. He is usually seen in casual, yet fashionable, clothing. Odin is a fan of dark green turtle necks, beige coats, baggy black dress pants, and black boots. When hanging out in private with friends, he prefers to just wear plain black sweats. People find him weird and mysterious but, in reality, he is just a people watcher who likes to learn/figure things out for his own sake.
Odin has a fear of small bugs, even lady bugs, and can always be found hanging out with the stray cats outside his apartment on his off days from working at the local flower shop. He can't cook to save his life but his obsession with brownies has forced him to at least know what 1/3 a cup of vegetable oil looks like. Odin dislikes hot drinks but, when up late working on a project, he'll have a cup or two.

I pair Ren with Odin because both are hard working people that can work with the others weakness!

Ren and Odin are the type to have met in a high school/college class ( I'm thinking science based?) when being paired up for a project due by the end of the week.
At first, Ren feels kinda indifferent around the elf- as shes heard rumors about how he stares at people- and doesn't really know how to strike up conversation with him. But, when arriving with Odin at said males house to plan out their project, they both have a bonding moment fawning over the stray cat outside the elf's house, and then conversation begins to flow easier after that.
Ren and Odin quickly agree on which topics are easiest to do, and which topics to avoid. When Odin brings up the fact that one of their options is over bugs, Ren sticks out her tongue and promptly goes into a rant about how disgusting bugs are- especially cockroaches. She goes on and on about it until Odin interrupts her with his laughter. At first, Ren thinks he is going to make fun of her, but she is quiet surprised when Odin agrees with her rant and even revels to her that he hates bugs as well.
Ren laughs when Odin says that ladybugs scare him the most.
From then on, both stay up late into the night studying for their project. When Ren has trouble finding a piece of information/understanding something, Odin happily helps her piece it together.
And, when its time for them to take their 12am break, Ren helps Odin measure out the correct amount of butter, sugar, and oil for a batch of brownies. She shows him how to tell 'how much is how much' when you only have a clear cup with no lines and teaches him tricks about how to get rid of air bubbles and how to test when the brownies are done. She even gets Odin to expand his horizons on hot coffee flavors.
They snack on brownies and drink coffee until the clock hits five o/clock and deem it time to pack it all away.
Odin offers Ren his bed for the night, as he couldn't live with himself if he sent Ren out this late, and sets himself out a place on the floor. They speak quietly for a few minutes before Ren's words become slurred and slow. Odin bids her goodnight, turns off his ceiling light, but leaves the soft sound of music playing from Ren's phone to lull them to sleep.

What do you think :) ? I hope you liked this pair!

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Mia has short red hair, green eyes, and freckles. She's pretty tall, and always wears comfortable clothes.
Her aesthetic is eating to much candy and staying up to late in an all night convenience store, mixing all the slurpie flavors.
Likes: You. Your amazing attitude, your wonderful personality. Gummy bears, adrenaline, and doing dumb things.
Dislikes: Dull colors, being cold, when her feet fall asleep. Animals.



I pair Mia with my character Kevin!

Kevin is a pitch, black eyed, little friend that likes to cause mischief! He has very curly blond hair that's shaved at the sides, and hangs into his eyes. He has no nose, and three circular black dots lay beneath each eye.His normal clothing consists of his favorite forest green shirt, pink overalls, and pink boots. With friends in private, he wears blue stretchy shorts and a big graphic t-shirt. Kevin is a wild child, and loves anything fast, bright, and hot! He has a touch of ADHD, but that's what helps fuel his crazy personality.
He loves to pull pranks, and do impressions to get a rye out of people. When threatened, he throws used- or full- soda cans and oranges at people. No one knows where he gets them all.
Sitting still is not one of his strengths, and trying to feed him any fruit flavored foods besides oranges is pointless. Kevin basically live and breathes off of caffeine and finds bland food boring. He hates getting caught in the rain and would rather die than make snow angels in the winter time.

I pair Mia with Kevin because, they share chaotic energy!

I imagine Mia going to visit a nearby convenience store late at night for a slushie and gummy bear run. After grabbing her sweets, she stumbles upon the short friend man holding up the slushie line by trying to mix all the flavors together but, instead, is making a big mess.
At first, Mia doesn't know what to do. She weary on interacting with the strange ?man? late at night but…she also wants that slushie. After mulling about it for a while, Mia takes a daring breathe and walks right up behind Kevin to grab her own cup.
She doesn't flinch when Kevin stops making a big mess to stare at her strangely, and even mumbles a direct 'excuse me' to him when trying to mix the blue-raspberry and cherry flavors together. She does this all the while knowing Kevin is watching her closely and then walks away nonchalantly to grab a straw and pay for the sweets. She nearly turns her back to the short man when a calling 'Hey!' grabs her attention and she turns around to see the black eyed male starring at her directly. She grips her bag of gummy bears, ready to toss the slushie in the guys face if it goes south, and prepares to run.
Kevin smiles at her sweetly and asks if the cherry and lemon tastes good together. This throws Mia off enough for her to forget her fear of talking to a stranger late at night in an convenience store to squint weirdly at Kevin and tilt her head. Kevin gestures to her slushie cup and then tilts his head to the contents of his own cup. "does lemon and cherry taste good together?" he ask, again. And, this time, Mia is gathered enough to answer. "Only if you add sour patch kids to it…if not, it kinda tastes like trash." she tells, honestly, ready to pay for her stuff and leave.
Kevin purses his lips, thinking. Mia watches long enough for him to stare down at his cup of slushie…before he promptly drops the cup the to floor. Its contents spilling every where. Mia blurts out a curse about the slushie getting on her shoes. The guy at the register notices and comes bounding over to the two, fuming. He screams about them having to pay for it all, even though the drink is belly up on the floor, and reaches out to grab Mia's arm. But, just before the man can grab her arm, Kevin pulls her by the wrist and out the back door of the store. Mia yelps and spills a bit of her slushie that makes the man chasing them slip on the floor. Allowing them a quick escape.
Kevin doesn't stop running until Mia recovers from the shock of what just happened and rips her hand from his grasp.Kevin stops to look back at her with an eye brow raised. Mia wonders why. she points a finger at him 'what the heck was that? Why did you do that?' Kevin smirks and folds his arms across his chest, cooly " I hate lemon and cherry." He says it as if its the most obvious thing in the world, and it confuses Mia." they why did you get cherry and lemon?' Kevin picks at his nails absently, almost ignoring her. " Was kinda bored and wanted to do something fun?"
Mia huffs and folds her arms " Making a mess and comiting a crime is fun? okay." Kevin rolls his eyes at her playfully and begins to walk away without another word. Mia frowns "where are you going?" and that makes Kevin turn around to look at her while walking backwards. "unless you want to be around when the cops get here to arrest you for stealing those gummy bears, then I suggest you scram."
Mia furrows her brows when she notices she still had the bag of unpaid gummy bears in her hands and huffs agitated "Wonderful." Kevin cackles at her reaction.
They both walk well on into the night bickering and joking back and fourth until they reach Mia's house where, while Mia is unlocking the door, Kevin disappears back into the night.

Sorry if it feels kinda jumbled/rushed, i just had a lot of ideas for these two! :) I hope you like this pair!


Been stalking for a while, finally got a guy!

His looks Rowan has blond hair and heterochromia: Brown with patches of green. He's got sun-tanned skin and is pretty short, like 5' 6"
His aesthetic is a soft golden sunlight filtering through the curtains of his house, his elderly mother playing with his dog, and pictures of his family littering the walls and coffee tables while the light shows the dust lazily floating through the air. And all the doors are locked, and he's standing at the window with a gun, hidden so his mother can't see, talking casually with her while he protects them from all the dangers she doesn't know about.
He likes dogs, obviously, oil painting, following bob ross tutorials, collecting minimalist jewelry, painting with his mom, taking pictures of things, summer, sunlight, science, good empowering movies, cough cough legally blonde cough cough, a grey/green color palette.
He does NOT like violence, thick forests, cold weather, the idea of falling in love, conspiracy theories, except for that one about plateaus being ancient giant tree stumps, but who doesn't love that one?, pondering his own existence, the color blue.

@ccb group

alright i'm gonna give you Page!
her looks: short, bouncy brown bob haircut. tan skin. tall (about 5'11), athletic build. almond-shaped ambery-brown eyes. bushy eyebrows. winning smile. generally very attractive in a very androgynous way
her aesthetic: a long hike in the woods with your friends on a summer day, barbecue dad but make it hot, that quote from jennifer's body where jennifer says to needy "do you buy all your murder weapons at home depot? god you're butch"
she likes: running, exercising, sports in general, the outdoors, flirting with women, making friends, partying, working with her hands
she dislikes: talking about her feelings, being manipulated or tied down, heights


This is cool!
Name: Astra Hunter
Looks: 5'8, Skinny, Straight and Choppy Auburn Hair, Brown Eyes, Tannish Skin, Resting Bitch Face
Her Aesthetic: Tomboyish, snarky and sassy, kind of a hermit
She Likes: Knives, animals, nighttime, racing cars
She Dislikes: Sweets, most people, bright colors


Name: Aurora Sparrow
Looks: Blonde hair in fluffy curls, brown eyes, fair skin, small
Her Aesthetic: Soft grunge, lot of oversized sweaters and flannels, second hand skirts and beat up shoes, denim jackets with patches.
Pros: Sweet, kind, doesn't put herself first a lot, loyal
Cons: Doesn't put herself first a lot, doesn't know how to respond to compliments, insecure



I pair Rowan with my character Akecheta!

Akecheta is a well over six foot male with long, straight, black hair, and tree bark brown eyes. His skin is a light honey with black moles sprinkled here and there. He has a slight burn mark on the left bottom side of his chin and scratches across the insides of both his arms. He's gotten very muscular over the years by using his built up anger to workout but still manages to have a slightly chubby face. Akecheta's clothing mostly consists of dark colors, to blend in with the night, but every once in a while he likes to throw in a bit of green or blue. You can usually find him wearing a long sleeved, black thermal with black, baggy, combat pants and black tie up boots. Akecheta has PTSD from a fire that had burned down his childhood home, with the rest of the family in it so, hes rather seclusive about his past and chooses to bottle up those feelings alot.
Akecheta enjoys sitting in an open, sunny, field to watch the rabbits and deer play. Baby animals are his only true weakness and, if you ever give him a puppy, his stone cold demeanor will melt instantly.On days when he is sad, Akecheta enjoys carving animals out of wood to pass the time. He is protective- maybe a bit to much- over the people he finds worth his time and will stop at nothing to keep them safe. Akecheta is a real family person but, even though its one of his wishes to settle down, he will never tell you that. Akecheta is scared of being intimidated/tied down and is always on high alter when being sent out on one of his missions.
I pair Rowan with Akecheta because they both share a deep seated love for their family, and their-slightly- drastic likes and dislikes are enough to keep both weary but trusting of one another!

I imagine Rowan and Akecheta meeting over strange circumstances. Rowan is coming back home from a daily supply run when a ~creature~ jumps out from behind a bundle of bushes right at him. Rowan fumbles for his gun, but is unable to pull it out in time, and is knocked onto his back. The ~creature~ plants its big meaty claws on Rowans shoulder and roars above him, making the boys ears ring. Drops of saliva splash onto his face and Rowan prepares for the worst when- bang! A gun shoots once, echoing through the trees, and the ~creature~ drops dead, and heavy, right onto Rowan's chest. Everything is still for multiple seconds, Rowans ears still ring, before the sound of quick footsteps crunching on the dead pine leaves start heading towards Rowan's still form. A mumbling of 'please don't be dead, please don't be dead' grows louder the more Rowan's shock fades from his system before the footsteps slow to a halt by his head and a relieved sigh follows afterwards.' Oh, thank sh*t'. A man's face peeks out from behind the ~creatures~ dead body. He blinks along awkwardly with Rowan's own blinking before his head disappears and, shortly after, the ~creatures~ dead body is thrown off of Rowan's chest and is replaced with a gloved hand.
Rowan is weary- as he should be- about taking the strange mans hand but, after shooting a quick glance at the ~creatures~ very dead body, he sobers up to the fact that he would of been dead had this man not of came along.
From then on, both men walk quickly to Rowan's house- both stiff and cautious around each other- to settle down in the dinning room. Rowan warns Akecheta- as that was the name the man gave him- that his mother is sleeping and to not wake her up with any noise. Akecheta eyes the door to Rowan's mothers room, sad reminiscence in his eyes, before looking back into Rowan's eyes with a nod after the shorter male blocks his view. They both speak well into the night about who eachother were and how they had both had the experience of knowing that ~creatures~, like the one Akecheta just killed, existed. Rowan doesn't talk much about his mother when given the question about his background and is happy when Akecheta does not pus him for it. But he dose notice that when Akecheta begins to vaguely talk about his own family he uses the past tense. Rowan doesn't push it.
From then on I believe that Rowan and Akecheta would slowly learn to trust/joke with each other. Like, on the days Akecheta chooses to wear blue, Rowan compares him to the blues clues guy. And when Akecheta choose to watch Legally Blonde for the second time that week, he won't stop pushing the fact that Elle woods could be his long lost twin. They both work with each others weakness. Akecheta knows Rowan hates violence so, each time they are out and encounter a ~creature~, Akecheta tries to get the kill over with as quickly as possible and as clean as possible. And each time Akecheta's anger/sadness boils over, Rowan calms him by taking him outside to soak up the sun while he holds the taller man close to him…and, even though he hates it, Rowan kinda likes the contact. When Akecheta is calmed enough, Rowan lets the dog out, helps Akecheta to his feet, and leads them both on a nice walk in the warm sunlight.

ooo, this one was kinda hard because I had so many different ideas about which one of my characters fit best! But, ultimately, I thought that Akecheta was the best fit! So, what do you think? I hope you like the pair :)!



I pair Page with my characters June and Brooke!

June is short, and fair skinned with curly, strawberry blonde hair, and almond brown eyes. Brown freckles cross over her cheeks and the bridge of her upturned nose. She is pretty lithe, but has the slightest amount of chub on her stomach.June loves to wear soft colored clothing with flowy fabrics. She can usually be found in a thin, loose, long sleeved white top that shows off her shoulders with a blue denim skirt ( that she sown flowers and bees into ) and flat, opened toed, black shoes. June has found a passion in the art of photography and loves to take long walks on nature trails to capture the beauty of a sunny day. She loves ballet and can sometimes be found tinkering with broken camera parts. She can get excited over little things and is very sensitive to what people say about her. June hates to argue and will cry her poor little heart out if someone so much as yells at her. Her favorite thing to do is to hangout with friends and take photos of them to remember the day forever.
Brooke is a tall, dark skinned female. Her hair is black normally is braided and pulled back into a pony tail. She eyes are big and soft with a blue iris that pops out from her face. She has high cheek bones with a single black mole beneath her left eye and plush lips. Being very tall, her body is long and awkward but is strong in its own unique way. Brooke loves to wear bright graphic tees, light colored jeans held up by a black belt, and white sketchers. When around friends, she can usually be found wearing a baby blue shirt (with a whale jumping out of the waves in a darker blue square) white jean shorts with a brown belt, and beige hiking boots. Like June, Brooke has also found a passion in the arts for painting and singing. She enjoys being outside on a warm day to swim but dreads the constant hikes and bug bites that follow. Brooke likes to think deeply about a lot of things before making a decision and mostly pretty chill about everything. But, when she is with close friends, her mysterious/chill persona can easily slip into one full of adrenaline and hype. She loves to have fun but every once in a while her deep thinking can lead her down a rabbit hole of anxiety that can make her quiet and self conscious. Her favorite thing to do is to jump off reasonably high cliffs and canon ball into water.

Its a girls night! I pair Page with June because of their love of the outdoors and genuinely excited nature! And, I pair Page with Brooke because of their sociable nature and love of adrenaline!

I imagine the three girls hiking up a mountain to get to the big lake on top. Halfway through the hike, Brooke begins to complain about being tired while slapping at the bugs. Pointedly saying that she is not having fun. Page, who is ahead of both girls, turns around to smile and rest her hands on her hips. " Aw, come on B!" She encourages Brooke to keep going by saying that the path is not much longer and further motivates her about the giant cliff that she could jump off. " It's not that much farther! Just a few more miles, until you'll be able to throw yourself off a cliff like a lunatic! come on!". To speed up the hike Page picks up June- who had been silently taking pictures of the scenery around them- bridal style and runs as fast as she can up the path. June yelps in shock while clutching her camera close to her chest but, when the sounds of Brooke's voice echoes behind them to slow down, she laughs and full encourages Page to keep going until they reach the top!
Once there, they settle down on the driest rocks that line the lake shore to catch their breath. June takes out a blanket to sit on and removes her shoes to wiggle them in the sunlight. Page lays down next to her, sweating from running and the suns heat, to close her eyes and enjoy the sounds of nature. June snaps a picture of her relaxed form- certain that Page did not notice- and then quickly turns away in a blush to watch as Brooke strips down to her undergarments and sets off to find the path up to the cliff. Page opens on of her eyes, squinting, and smiles as she studies the red head fiddle with her camera. A few seconds later, Brooke gives off a big 'whoop!' and runs full speed off the side of the cliff and canon balls straight into the water. June gasps as drops of water nearly hit her camera and Page chuckles while shielding her face from the onslaught of water. Brooke breaches the surface with a big smile and shakes the excess water droplets from her face. June huffs as more water tries to attack her camera, but giggles when Brooke gets scared by the feel of lake vegetation tickling her toes. The sun is hot on Page's skin and, after a while, she too strips down to her undergarments to join Brooke in the water for a refreshing dip. She shivers at the change in temperature but finds it soothing. Her enjoyment in interrupted by a big splash of water at her face and the sound of Brooke's uncontrollable laughter. a water fight ensues- one that June snaps multiple pictures of and watches on in excitement. When the water fight simmers down a little, June is the last to take off her dress and skirt to join the other two in the cool lake for an evening of laughter and fun!

I've been wanting to expand my girls personalities a bit and this was the perfect opportunity! What did you think? I hope you liked these pairs :) !



I pair Astra with my character Alex!

Alex is a male with almond brown skin, Long, auburn hair pulled back into a pony tail, and espresso colored eyes. His build is short and soft with dark freckles littering his body. Alex’s face is puffy with big eyes, plush lips, and a slightly down turned nose. Sometimes he wears golden hooped earrings or silver studs in his ears. Alex’s attire is mostly casual with muted orange, red, and green colors. Alex loves to wear hoodies and baggy jeans with sandals but, if the situation requires a more ‘business casual look’, Alex can be found in a yellow shirt with a cartoon/realistic tiger spitting fire/acid as it jumps out from an orange bordered back ground, baggy black pants, and white, black and dark red sneakers. Alex likes to wrestle, swim, and hang out with friends while doing face masks. He is funny but comes off as more sarcastic and chill than joking leading to him getting into trouble that could of been avoided at he been more clear. Alex won’t admit it but, Un-ironically, he finds clowncore cool. He has a fear of showing too much of himself to his friends and mostly likes to act cool and vibe when serious conversations start up.

I pair Astra with Alex because their clash of aesthetics and similar attitudes could make for the best duo!

I imagine them first meeting in the office at school after being sent to the principals for ‘disrupting class’. Astra chooses to ignore the kid that she’s seen sit at the back of class- speaking to no one- but, when the silence becomes boring, she tries to strike up conversation. ‘ Did you get busted for being high in class, or something?’. She doesn’t meaning for it to come off so sassy but, when the boy begins to laugh, she knows that it was worth it. “Nah, mouthing off to the teacher…you?”. Astra smirks and crosses her arm while turning to face him.’Same.’
Their personalities click right after that, and both are soon talking about whatever comes to their minds. It’s not even fifteen minutes late when they’re still sitting there and the principle hasn’t called them in yet, that Alex suggests they bust out. Astra wouldn’t say she was shocked by the idea, but she was weary of leaving with this dude she just met. Astra doesn’t think long before Alex is already up and out the door and she’s scrambling after him.
When free from the school, the first thing they do is go strolling through the park- carving their names into park benches and feeding the squirrels- before that gets boring and they hop in Alex’s car to go joy riding around the city. Breaking speed limits to feel the wind whip through their hair, both loose themselves in the adrenaline of the moment. They go speeding back and fourth on long strips of road until the sky turns a mess of dark blues and their stomachs start to rumble.
Alex stops at the nearest convenience store for them to get snacks. In the Store, they end up goofing around even more by Alex Mixing and filling the biggest slushie cup to the limit and Astra drowning her soft pretzel in mustard and ketchup. The man at the register yells at them to either pay or scram and- seeing as the night is still young- both book it out the door and go speeding off down the road. Laughing their heads off while enjoying their stolen treats.
They drive around for a few more hours- vining to loud music and sharing stories until the clock hits 10:30 and Astra realizes they should be heading home soon. Alex offers to drive her home and turns to radio to a more calm station and rolls down the windows.
Once outside her house, Astra hops out the car but turns around to quickly thank Alex for the crazy evening and that she’s like to hang out again sometime. Alex smiles and nods frantically at her, excited to have found a friend that shares the same idea of fun as him. He agrees to having another ‘date’- he winks- bids her goodbye, and then drives off. Astra waves at his retreating figure and- when she can no longer see him- she heads inside and crashes on her bed with a smile.

I actually really love this kinda friendship- maybe not the illegal part, so much but- I find it nice! I hope you liked this pair :)!

@ccb group

oh i LOVE it!!!! so so in character for page (she has a well-documented habit of picking people up bridal-style, which you somehow incorporated without me even mentioning it? lol) and your gals are so cute and fun! everything about the scene feels totally natural!


Ooh, I think they're great!! :D Very nice match, and that was really fun to read! :D I bet they'd be besties by the end <3



I pair Aurora with my character Zachery!

Zachery is a semi-tall goblin with butterscotch colored hair, soft purple eyes, and olive green skin. His hair style is long in the front and long in the back with the sides shaved ( kinda like a mullet but with less of a 'yee haw' feel to it.) that casts a shadow over his eyes and curls up at the back of his neck. He has skinny build with long legs and a short torsos. Some identifying things about him is that his ears are really long and pointed, he has a long green tale with yellow marks on the top, and his nose is very pointed as well. Zachery is a fan of very soft/loose fabrics and colors. He usually likes to wear long sleeved, collared shirts with a short sleeved shirt over it, high waisted pants that stop just above his ankle, and converse. But around friends he likes to dial it down and bit and can be found in more comfy clothes like a baggy, thin, long sleeved shirt, shorts that stop above his knees, long tube socks, and converse with a bit of height added to them.
Zachery has a very sweet, bubbly personality and loves to do anything for his friends. Some find his willingness to help/be around them 24/7 annoying but that is just because Zachery can get very lonely at times and experience's separation anxiety. He is also ignorant/oblivious to people who use him- he hates being alone so much that if someone promises him they'll hangout together he will do anything they ask of him. This can sometimes get him into trouble and or spike his anxiety through the roof but, he prides himself on being loyal to his friends. He likes to do a lot of things with his hands and has found a time passing hobby of weaving baskets. Zachery enjoys walking int the woods to feed the little critters, and hates having to be in big crowds of people.

I pair Aurora with Zachery because both share a common personality/faults!

I imagine Aurora sitting at the park late in the evening, just lightly sketching doodles of things she sees or thinks of when- the feel of someone starring at her burns into the side of her face. She tries to ignore it the best she can but, when the starring does not waver, she softly closes her sketch book and looks around for the 'stalker'.She looks at the bench across from her and catches a pair of purple eyes starring right into hers before they widen in realization and are replaced with a head of shaggy blond hair. A blushing face hiding beneath the yellow strands. Aurora takes a moment to think. Should she pack up and leave? Or confront the silent stranger? She bites her lip and then sighs while gathering her stuff. When she stands up, the man across from her quickly glances at her shoes before starring back at the ground.This makes Aurora stutter her walking for a moment to collect herself before she calmly walks over to the stranger.
The man looks up at her when she calls, and almost give a toothy smile when she begins to introduce herself. The man shakes her hand, stands up, and introduces himself as Zachery. He's not vert tall but, also not very short. Aurora feels calm around his sweet demeanor and, after a few minutes of talking, proposes that they go get a coffee together. Zachery agrees quickly with a fast nod and offers to pay. This leads to them getting into a childish argument about who should pay all the way up until they reach the coffee counter to order when, after beating aurora is a game of rock, paper, scissors three times in a row, does Zachery pay for the twos coffee.
They settle down in the farthest corner of the coffee shop and just…talk. They talk about their lives, they talk about their favorites foods, about the current climate, animals, tv shows, ect. They both laugh at the others jokes and even share some embarrassing secrets about each other that they've been meaning to get off their shoulders. It's not until a chime on Zachery's phone interrupts their conversation, and Zachery is apologizing profusely as he quickly stands to leave. As Zachery passes her, he sets a small piece of paper into her hands, then dashes off before she can even wish him a proper goodbye. Aurora watches him race out of the store until he is gone, and then turns to the piece of paper he had stuck in her hand. It's a bunch of numbers- his phone number- with a heart and smiley face right next to it. Aurora smiles, finishes her coffee, and then leaves the store with her heart fluttering in her chest.

This was kinda cute to write <3 I love Zachery ~ I hope you enjoyed this pair :) !

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Aydin has completely white hair (Marie Antoinette Syndrome) and warm brown eyes. Their skin is a light caramel tone and they have a splattering of freckles dotting their nose and cheeks. They sit in a wheelchair because of a car accident when they were younger. They work at a museum as a curator.
Their aesthetic is spending hours looking through papers with a warm mug of tea and a sweater.
They like having their family (they've p much adopted the entire staff of the museum) close and eating sweet things.
They absolutely hate anything with the color orange, they despise actual orages too.