forum Character Vibe Checks - BUT WITH PICTURES
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

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@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group


She seems like the shy and kind type; also known as a cinnamon roll. She's bullied for it, but she refuses to fight back no matter what and can fall back on her friends at the end of the day. Speaking of friends, she only has a small group of them, which is around 1-2 not including her, but their supper trustworthy. For her name, I'm feeling either Jennie, Jessie or Jem; basically anything that starts with a J.

Mostly right aside from the name, it's unknown if she has friends due to constant traveling, her name is Mia
Sorry for taking so long to respond

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Looks like kind of a loner. Keeps herself to herself, but if you cross her, she can get angry and you'll regret it. Doesn't let a lot of people into her inner 'world', so not many people know many details about her. Appears pretty bored a lot of the time when she's around others. Her name could be Lennon, Rain or Winter.

Mostly right out of her name, Alice

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group


Studious and cares a lot about grades or is a teacher of some sort. She is/was pressured by her parents to do well in school. Likes to be organized and have everything in the right place. Dog person, very friendly personality, doesn't have too much trouble making friends. Prefers tea over coffee. For a name maybe Eliza or Meg.

Mostly right, she is studious and streetsmart, she's a professional mourner, She's mainly lax, She prefers coffee and the first name you suggest was really close, her name's Elise

@sock group

Since there no pictures to check I might as well put on here


She looks like she spends a lot of time on her computer screen and doesn't get nearly enough sleep. Her parents have high expectations and she's trying her best but rapidly losing the will to reach them. High-key has depression. Has a lot of online friends. For a name, maybe Mia or some other name that starts with an M.

@LilMeme group

She might be a libirian or at least bookish in some way. She is introverted and keeps to herself, She may or may not be a plant mom, Her name could be Alice, Anais, or Mizuki

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I agree. But lowkey I feel like she could probably kill someone if you made her mad. I'm getting name vibes like Lilac or Kora. Definitely seems like she writes romantic poems while she lays in a field of flowers.

@LilMeme group

He seems like the carefree, happy-go-lucky type, He might be a class clown. He might be into flowers arrangement, His name might be Basil, Hanaki, or James

@LilMeme group

He seems like the shy and sweet type, He's probably well behaved and mannered. He might be some type of worker judging from the clothes and plague mask. He might be a ghost maybe


That's pretty accurate aha
He does look kinda like a ghost, but he's alive :)
He just lives in an apocalyptic world, and kinda just wears the mask for anonymity and because he likes it ^^

@trainwreck404 group

Here's a profile pic of Micheal

he reminds me of virgil from sanders sides, so probably anti-social, independent, and probably anxious in some way, shape, or form. he also seems like the kind of dude who would isolate himself from friends as a form of self-punishment, so he definitely needs a hug, and probably a nap. he's probably a student still, judging by the clothes, so he's probably somewhere between 14-19.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

They seem like they'd be into the retro aesthetic. They probably a mom friend and all-around has a general carefree vibe to them. They may be a bit reckless judging from the bandaid. Their name might be Connor or Alex

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Here's a profile pic of Micheal

he reminds me of virgil from sanders sides, so probably anti-social, independent, and probably anxious in some way, shape, or form. he also seems like the kind of dude who would isolate himself from friends as a form of self-punishment, so he definitely needs a hug, and probably a nap. he's probably a student still, judging by the clothes, so he's probably somewhere between 14-19.

Right on point. He's a borderline Hikkikomori, I haven't seen of Sander Side but they seem to have the same emo, loner vibe to them


She seems like the quiet and tranquil type. She probably has water-related or wind magic. She may have a motherlike vibe to her. Her name might be Mizuchi or Bakunawa

Quiet and tranquil sounds like her for the most part; unless you mess with her only friend. She's a seawing (A dragon tribe from Wings of Fire) which can in fact breath underwater. She does have magic, but it's not elementally based and is too powerful to be a main focal point. Her only friend is an enchanted lantern, to which she acts like an over-protective best friend to (Or mother/sibling, but I have it planned that they might end up dating). She would probably be a good mother and a little less over-protective to her kids than her only friend (since they wouldn't be made of glass). Her name is Angler (like the creepy deep sea fish).