forum Character Vibe Checks - BUT WITH PICTURES
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

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(if you have this picture uploaded somwhere on this site, for example on your character's page, click on it and copy and paste the link. it should work, that's the way I do it)

Ah! Alright then, I'll try that :3
Thank you both for the help!

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Le gasp It worked :0

He seems like the shy and nervous bookworm type. He's either a straight-A student or kind of just out of it, either way, he is well behaved and quiet. He probably has bad acne and spends most of his free time in the library. His name may be Justin or Kyle

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group


Hm… he's giving off "the popular guy" vibes, but the kind "popular guy" that doesn't really care for anyone's praise
and doesn't try too hard in school. Perhaps his name starts with and M or S? I don't know, I'm not too good at this… -v-"


Mostly right, he does seem mainly aloof but really cares about his impact on the school, not in a good way though, his name is Hunter


Le gasp It worked :0

He seems like the shy and nervous bookworm type. He's either a straight-A student or kind of just out of it, either way, he is well behaved and quiet. He probably has bad acne and spends most of his free time in the library. His name may be Justin or Kyle

You really hit the nail on the head there!
You're right about the shy, library loving and bookwormy thing, and he probably would have straight A's if he didn't have social anxiety and selective mutism (Meaning he can't participate in classes with the same ease as everyone else, therefore causing him bad grades)… Oh, and his name is Samuel :D
I'm second guessing keeping his name, those names you mentioned are so cute ;w;

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group


He seems to be happy. He's nonchalant and tired most of the time. He dresses well, probably nobility of some kind. He looks to be the kind of person to laugh off heavy subjects and rub his neck when embarrassed. He would fall asleep at his job, be woken up, and give off a sheepish smile. His name is something along the lines of Xavier, Kai, or Charles.

@sock group

This boi does dark magic and may or may not have a curse of some sort. He likes chaos and wreaking havoc and doesn't really care about the results. Has a cheerful, reckless attitude, likes having fun, has a tendency to break things. Can come off as arrogant. For a name, I'm getting Ryan vibes, maybe Mason?



sweet girl!!!! she seems like she might be the student treasurer in highschool, either loves or loathes tea. can't dance but would take lessons given the opportunity. her glasses CONSTANTLY get fogged up, like more than is probably normal, and people joke about it giving her 'smart kid in anime' vibes but really she's just blinded. will hug you, compliments people constantly and never really knows how to pose in full body photos. always orders the same thing at her favorite coffee shop. name might be something like melissa

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group


Definitely a cinnamon roll, She's probably a friendly and kind girl who gets along with everyone. She has a love for cute, fluffy, and pastel things. She could be an artist or writer or both. Her name might be Abigail or Emily

@sock group

sweet girl!!!! she seems like she might be the student treasurer in highschool, either loves or loathes tea. can't dance but would take lessons given the opportunity. her glasses CONSTANTLY get fogged up, like more than is probably normal, and people joke about it giving her 'smart kid in anime' vibes but really she's just blinded. will hug you, compliments people constantly and never really knows how to pose in full body photos. always orders the same thing at her favorite coffee shop. name might be something like melissa

yes she's a sweet girl!!!! wasn't a student treasurer but used to be class representative at her old school. loves tea (especially boba). she would love to learn how to dance. glasses fog up a normal amount. yes she will hug, compliment, and give you lots of love. the coffee shop people know her name.
this is himari!!! :)

@larcenistarsonist group

Seems really cold on the outside, but once you break down that super snarky exterior she's a sweetheart who loves her friends to death. Probably on some sort of social media and has a hefty amount of followers. For a name I'm getting something simple and sweet like Kate, Allie, or Elle. Will deny it if her friends see her do something affectionate. Drinks a ton of coffee and eats a ton of junk food. A gamer and memer probably…


@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group


He seems to be happy. He's nonchalant and tired most of the time. He dresses well, probably nobility of some kind. He looks to be the kind of person to laugh off heavy subjects and rub his neck when embarrassed. He would fall asleep at his job, be woken up, and give off a sheepish smile. His name is something along the lines of Xavier, Kai, or Charles.

At a surface layer, you're right. He probably do all the things you said. His father was formerly the Mayor, so that might count as nobility. Though on the inside he is empty and manipulative. His name is Elijah


@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

This boi does dark magic and may or may not have a curse of some sort. He likes chaos and wreaking havoc and doesn't really care about the results. Has a cheerful, reckless attitude, likes having fun, has a tendency to break things. Can come off as arrogant. For a name, I'm getting Ryan vibes, maybe Mason?

For the most part, this is on the nose. He is poisoned by resentment and was recruited by demons. He is a demonic healer. He is not really cheerful, but likes inflicting pain upon people. He can be a bit stuck up. He is the definition of reckless, he doesn't care about wether you live or not. He is not cursed. His name is Seth and his does indeed do dark magic. Perks of being a Dark warlock

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group


She seems like the bold and energetic type of girl, she's definitely a tomboy who's not afraid of getting dirty, Either got the bandages from some traumatic incident (like an accident). She's definitely an optimist who looks on the bright side of things. Her name is probably along the lines or Taylor or Bailey


Seems really cold on the outside, but once you break down that super snarky exterior she's a sweetheart who loves her friends to death. Probably on some sort of social media and has a hefty amount of followers. For a name I'm getting something simple and sweet like Kate, Allie, or Elle. Will deny it if her friends see her do something affectionate. Drinks a ton of coffee and eats a ton of junk food. A gamer and memer probably…


if that's for cammy, pretty spot on! she's very outgoing and has a presence on social media. her twitter is full of shitposts and her instagram features very aesthetic pictures of food and space as well as really blurry photos of 'cosplayer friends' that are actually aliens. definitely denies any nice acts, big memer and probably loves horror games so yeah. never sleeps so coffee and junk food is a big yes

rascal gal vibes from yours. loves pranking people and probably steals shiny things, might be a pickpocket. gives off crow vibes to everyone who meets her and it is very spot on. talks a lot when you get her going on things she loves, and probably talks with her hands and eyebrows. many an expression. probably still believes boys have cooties and is correct. yells a lot and is the only friend who can do the cattle whistle



quiet friend, but sweet. again i'm getting can't but would dance vibes. really likes noodles, be it pasta or the more brothy kinds of foods(ramen, soup, etc). if she reads, she's into classics and possibly fantasy, because it offers a nice escape from the real world. secret romantic, but wouldn't admit it and probably acts sorta cynical. doesn't get flirted with often because she's not as outgoing as others, and when she does, definitely gets flustered

@larcenistarsonist group

She seems like the bold and energetic type of girl, she's definitely a tomboy who's not afraid of getting dirty, Either got the bandages from some traumatic incident (like an accident). She's definitely an optimist who looks on the bright side of things. Her name is probably along the lines or Taylor or Bailey

Pretty accurate! Her name is Kara and she's very bold and energetic. Definetly not afraid to get dirty. She picks fights with the wrong people a lot which is how she got the bandages. She's not an optimist though, more of an extreme realist.

rascal gal vibes from yours. loves pranking people and probably steals shiny things, might be a pickpocket. gives off crow vibes to everyone who meets her and it is very spot on. talks a lot when you get her going on things she loves, and probably talks with her hands and eyebrows. many an expression. probably still believes boys have cooties and is correct. yells a lot and is the only friend who can do the cattle whistle

Yes Kara is very rascally. She's a little shit so she does steal everyones stuff, though Thomas makes her return everything. She talks so much, it's not even funny. Very expressive. She doesn't think guys have cooties though XD Her best friend/only person that will ever matter to her is a guy.

@larcenistarsonist group


Hmm… I'm getting quiet friend that's always annoyed at someone/something. Fir a name I'm getting Mandy or Monica, something with an M. She's probably in the popular friend group. From the necklace she's probably religious. Never wears makeup and hardly does her hair, wakes up perfect. Loves to read and has reading glasses at home. Loves hot chocolate and late autumn. Probably has a dog or two.


oh my god you're weirdly spot on lmao. her name is maebh(irish) and she has pretty much been adopted by the most popular girl in school(who's brother has a thing for her[maebh duh]) and the group that eventually forms. she's protestant, though she personally finds her own worship and belief a lot more casual than her dad, who is pretty devout. big yes on waking up looking flawless. total book nerd and anything sweater weather is her favorite, as well as hot chocolate. her dog's name is gatsby