forum Character Chats
Started by Mio

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([Zion ((pronounced "z-on", putting that there only because most people mispronounce his name.)) is a masculine figure with dark brown, wavy hair that reaches his earlobe, it's very messy. He has emerald green eyes and slightly deep bags underneath them. His skin is tan and he has a very chubby, slightly athletic build. He is 5'9". He has a tattoo on his left arm that looks to be a sun and a few clouds at the top, underneath that is a small aquatic area, and then some mountains. He also has a double-ringed helix piercing on both of his ears. He has scars around his arms and hands as if he was handling thorns and other parts of nature. He has a stubble, brown freckles covering his entire body ((almost, except for his forehead and his lower area)) and a prosthetic on his left thumb. He has large pastel green angel wings with a darker green fade on the tips. He has small grey wolf features ((ears and tail)). He also wears a few rings on his fingers. He seems to be drinking from a carton of milk.])

Zion: He smiles and nods in approval of the folk around him.
Alex: She seems to get more anxious, and bundles up into a ball.

@tom the tech-assassin

(tom the minotaur ((magelonian's are a race of minotaurs with more human features)) is a magelonian. he has longer hair than most magelonian's it reaches down to his upper back its very clean, it brown like his fur . he has dark blue eyes. his skin is a pale white with some freckles on his face.his body is very muscular. he's about 8'7 ft tall. he has 3 scars on his back 2 on his torso and some on his legs. he usually wears full plate armor or jeans and a plaid short sleeve and a long coat that's plaid too.)

tom: looks concerned.


Zion: He shrugs. "Don't know, I was practicing some teleportation then I ended up here!"
Alex: She looks a bit scared, especially when she sees Zion.


Lyzy: mumbles in confusion "The minotaur's name is Tom…"

Endel: "Don't be rude, Elyzabeth."


Zion: He frowns. "Minotaurs…? Never heard of those, but I do know my sister might've come across one before…"
Alex: She looks around at everyone.


Endel: he shrugs "You see them around the stronghold sometimes where we're from."

Lyzy: her eyes widen in surprise "There are minotaurs in the stronghold?"

Endel: "Yeah, you've just never seen them, because I haven't let you go anywhere other than the library."

Lyzy: "Eh~?! Why~?!"

Endel: "Because, you're adventurous and trouble prone." he glances off to the side

Lyzy: she puffs her cheeks out in annoyance