forum Calling artists once again!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Osora Tokino This is Osora, a character that basically came to me in a 'drug' induced dream, and was fleshed out with a lot of help from a good friend. I would really love to see her in a solid visual, instead of just in my head.

Any style works, though an anime-ish style would be hella appreciated, because that's kind of where my inspiration for her story came from, is superhero-like animes.

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Hey, I might be able to draw her if I have spare time? And I do mostly anime style, so it'll be no problem. If I do, do you want her in color or b&w? I'm fine with either, but b&w is easier for me cause I can cover up mistakes easily haha. Anyway, I'll try and draw her but no promises, I'm busy and remarkably forgetful. So if I don't remember either shoot me a pm to remind me or just find a more able artist who has free time :)


I would absolutely love for you to try and draw her! And color doesn't matter that much, I get certain ways being easier. It's totally fine if you're busy, I get that, believe me lmao

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Cool! I'll get started as soon as I can. I'll even set a reminder lmao ( ´ ▽ ` )

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I started it but then my brain was like "lmao sad times"
So it's started, but,,,,
Ugh I'm so sorry I'll try my hardest to get it done sooner