c r i t i q u e m y c h a r a c t e r
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I like the character!
-Can you give more details about the hairstyle "scene kid but better"?
-I believe you mean an orthopedic doctor/orthopedist when you say they have a PHD in bone studies.
-I fine the background quite funny and unique from other villains who have tragic backstories, but can you maybe put more detail into their thinking to becoming a villain, or even maybe their process into becoming one? Like their first crime.
Overall I REALLY like your character, it seems that they have a funny and comedic background compared to other villains, but I think they could use a little more development in their background. Otherwise I think you did a great job. I also like the way you described them, really interesting to read.
Have a wonderful day/night!
Awesome character! Love where it says "Body Type: noodle"