forum Best names you've ever come up with?
Started by @LilNerdyGingerKitsune

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Interested in hearing which character names everyone's proudest of! I like using names that have meanings that fit their characters, but I know not everyone does that, so you can add why you named your characters what you did if you want.
I think the names I'm proudest of are:
Mara Capulus, she's this pessimistic fairy librarian who's just kinda doesn't care about anything anymore and opened a library just so she could read all day and have an excuse to tell people to shut up. She also has a coffee addiction (I don't have a scene where she's not drinking coffee), and her name literally means, "bitter, coffee".
Siduri Sonomi, she's insane. The only thing she cares about is her garden (for reasons in story), and literally will do anything to make sure no one takes the garden from her. When not in her garden, she panics, gets extreme anxiety, and starts having heart palpitations. Name means, "Young woman, beautiful garden".


I named one of my characters Unknown. They're a god of intelligence, and I literally named them such because no one knows a lot about them. I think I linked them to intelligence mainly because when I was younger I used to be intelligent at anything in school, but ever since I started middle school my intelligence seemed to slowly fade away and I forgot a lot of things I know. I have a habit of connecting most of my characters to an aspect of my life or my own character in general, I can't tell if it's a bad thing or not.