forum Anyone have a good name for this guy?
Started by @NobleWolf

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Rulo? Usually I don't suggest names but it might fit, unless it sounds like too much of a pet name for your taste. The meaning of the name Rulo is happy, energetic, and either wolf or canine. I can't give much other than that, as the name is neat but it's uncommon from what I've seen.


Glad to help! :)
I like to do my research on names and occasionally come across some that end up not being used. I think I came across Rulo before when I was looking through names for some folklore based characters, but used names like Daichi(Great wisdom) or Rei(Spirit, clever) instead and this post sparked my memory on past names I skimmed over. Rulo sounds nice, it just didn't fit the characters I was trying to name at the time.