@Morals-are-for-mortals language
(Salmonella gets salmonella /j)
(Salmonella gets salmonella /j)
Juni: She looks at Alex and Tseth anxiously “I- I’m sorry about him- uh-“
Tseth: He looks at Juni “You don’t have to apologize for him.” If anything, he’s right- shit.
Juni: “I-“
Resh: Sighs “Let’s just change the subject.”
Parvus: He stirs slightly, his legs twitching in his sleep. It looks like he’s dreaming about chasing something.
Alex: He looks over at Salmook “Not everything in a forest is poisonous. Maybe we can find something familiar, who knows.”
Tseth: “Or kill something for food. That would eliminate the chance of eating some poison fruit.”
Salmook: he winces at the idea of hunting, and he shakes his head. he's… very much uncomfortable with that.
"No, no- foraging is fine, yeah."
Juni: She wraps Resh’s cloak tighter around herself, although she’s wide awake now. “Well, if something we find is poisonous, at least we’ll find out..?”
(Sales would not last a day in my family)
Tseth: He notices Salmook’s reaction to hunting, but doesn’t comment. He turns to Juni. “Right. So we have about 4 tries to find something that isn’t poisonous.”
Alex: He looks around at everyone “So, should we start? Or just keep talking about it?”
(teeth leave salami alone ok he's a pacifist)
(when's the last time you've seen a 10 year old kill and eat something-)
Juni: She looks down “Sorry.”
Resh: He stands up, looking at Juni. “Let’s go. Juni, can I have my cloak back-?”
(When a main profession in krill society is a hunter:)
(As a 10 year old I was so down to kill and eat something)
Tseth: He mutters something in dark dragon about how hunting something would be easier, before stretching his wings out. If he found an animal that could be used as food, he’d probably take the chance.
Salmook: alright then. this was going to be harder than he'd thought. how did the rule go? "red little dots kill you on the spot, big green bunches are good for lunches?" yeah, that's it. but would that work here? he scratched his head. maybe hunting was the safest…
"Oh, I don't know… um, maybe we could..? No." he frowns a little
Juni: She takes Resh’s cloak off, handing it to him.
Resh: He puts his cloak back on, seeming a lot more relaxed after putting it on.
Parvus: He chitters and yawns, stretching his front legs out in front of him. He opens his eyes and stands up, looking up at Tseth curiously.
Tseth: He glances at Parvus. “Don’t suppose you’d know what isn’t poisonous in this forest, would you?”
Alex: He looks at Tseth and Parvus. “Still can’t believe he understands you.”
Salmook: he shrugs and gestures vaguely towards Tseth and Alex's wings "Makes sense to me."
Parvus: He blinks a few times, then squawks and jumps off Tseth’s shoulder, trotting out into the forest. He pokes his head back into the clearing, squawking again. It looks like he wants them to follow him.
Resh: He shrugs and follows after Parvus.
Juni: She jogs after Resh, keeping a similar pace to him.
(immediately deletes reply none of you saw that)
(Damn it)
(Stubs quick what did she say)
(she said sir teeth did a backflip out of joy)
(I told you now shush)
(I didn't see it either- 😔)
(liz im going to tangle your headphones what did you say)
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