@im-with-stoopid pets
(I think everyone except Salamander did- but Resh has unofficially adopted him.)
(I think everyone except Salamander did- but Resh has unofficially adopted him.)
(Salmonella is Resh’s son now I take no criticism)
(Technically Alex didn’t but he was very ready to)
(Well minus the guardian)
Salmook: he shivers "Sorry, sorry. I… I just think new beasts are scary." he shakes his head "This whole forest is scary, really."
(Oi stubs pharmaceuticals may be gone but hurricane creature isnt go do a thing)
(Wrong chat, yeah-)
(But I didn't know what to do because you were gone for like a week-)
(Im on summer break- i said id be gone for a bit-)
(And also nobody's done anything where huricane man is so i cant find it-)
(It's in Wildcard. Might wanna move it to Character Chats? But that's up to you.)
Resh: He smiles gently at Salmook “It’s okay. Don’t apologize, we all get scared sometimes.”
(Gasp a genuine smile??? From autism??)
Tseth: He mutters under his breath something in dark dragon, and turns to walk towards where Alex sat.
(I’m wheezing)
Salmook: he smiles a little awkwardly "…thank you, Resh." he sighs and looks up at the trees and sky
"Where are we going to go now? …It'd be nice to not get hurt by something."
Tseth: He looks up at Salmook “We could try to find a way out of this forest. I doubt it stretches on forever.” Find a place like home, maybe.
(gangs all here)
(sips tea)
Resh: He looks at Tseth “…That’s a good idea.” He says this a little reluctantly.
Juni: “But where do we start-?”
Parvus: He chitters happily and curls up on Tseth’s head.
Tseth: He plucks Parvus off of his head “Not sure. But I have a feeling that this forest only has more dangers.” He thinks for a moment. “…Maybe we could find a way back home. All our homes.” His brow is furrowed slightly as he looks down.
Alex: He looks over at Tseth “That would be nice.” I’d rather be back in the Wastelands than get into another fight with something in this forest. Go back to family.
Salmook: he has this blank look on his face, he's thinking about something
"I… I think I'd want to go with you guys. I want to go home, yeah, but… Home? Y'know?"
Parvus: He squawks at Tseth, clearly offended.
Resh: “That… that would be nice.” His voice is very quiet when he says this. He looks at Salmook, slightly confused. “What do you mean-?”
Juni: “But how..?”
Salmook: he shakes his head "It's fine, yeah. I just… don't… like home."
Alex: He looks at Salmook, looking a bit confused at what he said. “..What?”
Tseth: He looks at Juni “We were brought here by something, yeah? Maybe whatever that is has a way back.” He looks down at Parvus, and lightly pets his back with his finger.
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