@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Hinata: walks to corner. Sits down. Starts playing on her phone.
Hinata: walks to corner. Sits down. Starts playing on her phone.
Kyoko: Remember when I was talking about the demons of The Dominion and how they can shape-shift and yadayada…Yeah, that "Kyoko" isn't KYOKO, as in me if anyone's confused,… -scowls- It's Veronica of The Dominion…
Veronica:-giggles and shape-shifts back into her original form-
Ava: keeps her gaze on the floor but listens to everyone
Hinata: not giving two craps, as per the usual in situations like this.
Veronica: -stares at Ava as eyes turn black- Look at me, dear
Kyoko: I'm so sorry guys… I honestly can't do anything about her -glares at Veronica-
Elbhain: strolls in with a spiked slushee and gas station burrito in hand Yo, guys, what's up? Flops down in chair, chugs slurpee, gets brain freeze
Alex: pops head in
Hinata: Alex get back home. Now. I don't need you getting hurt.
Alex: Sad boi
Veronica: And where the hell is my property?
Kyoko: -sighs- He's not your property Veronica!…man am I just waiting until this stupid war is over to get rid of you
Obhil: Are you referring to the one who is named 'Nevihata' when you say property?
Ava: follows the command and looks up out of habit. Looks at Veronica still confused
Henry: People aren't fucking property, Veronica.
Hinata: heavy sigh. Come on.
Alex: happily jumps over to sit with Hinata. Yeay!
Cat: Crinkles her nose at the talk about property. Where there any other waits here?
Veronica: I'm sorry? And since when do puny humans ever have the courage to talk to someone of MY status like that… It's no wonder your pathetic species got eradicated in the first place
Veronica: He is MINE
Ava: What are you talking about?
Hinata: begrudgingly gives Alex the phone.
Alex: watching YouTube.
Hinata: boredom
Veronica: I'm sorry, who are you?
Kyoko: Veronica!
Hinata: who, me?
Henry: Yeah, you should be. And status isn't really a big deal, so….
Geneva: Do I have to fight someone?
Henry: Maybe.
Geneva: Nice.
Veronica: -hisses- I'd like to see you try, human. And mind you, Henry, I played a very important part in the extinction of humanity…
Hinata: woop-di-doo. You helped killing off humans in your world. How special.
Veronica: -laughs- I almost forgot how annoying you humans are -scowls-
Hinata: I love how you assume I'm human.
Trinity: I'll just stay over here, away from all that…
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