forum The gang and the texts and the characters and chaos (closed)
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Deleted user

Dane: Grins Call it what you want. Snickers "I call bullshit on that, but whatever." Sighs This contract is a summoning tool that anybody, even a magically inept lizard like you, can use. It is a two-way bond that, if desired, can allow us to summon each other, even allowing us to use eack others bodies, if we wish. Usually, I'd make loopholes. I'm a demon, after all. But I must admit that it would be in both of our best interests not to do anything. . . unwise.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Ōn’nyosh: Laughs, then rolls his eyes. Just because I don’t know any magic doesn’t mean I don’t know how to use a magic item. I’m covered in them, after all. He listens, his eyes widening a bit. Wait a fucking minute! I didn’t sign up for fucking possession! And I collect friends, not conjured or summoned individuals. I get it. It sounds interesting. But, I am not being fucking possessed by anyone. I like being the only resident in my body. So, I’ll pass.

Deleted user

Dane: Grins Like those clever boots of yours. He smirks I thought you'd say that. Which is why I explained the contract. See, with you, I need something simple. So, how about this: whenever you need a favor, just say "Dane." I'll come to you. But you'll have to pay me. He holds out the brand again Do we have a deal?

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Ōn’nyosh: Snorts. My boots are only one piece of my collection. Eyes Dane suspiciously. And, what’s the fucking catch, hm? I call you and you fucking possess me and turn me into some alien fucking ice snake. Yeah, fuck that. And, that’s not even discussing price. I’m not into that ‘give me your soul’ shit!

Deleted user

Dane: Shrugs I can tell. Sighs and says a short prayer aloud If I have lied in anything I have said to this jester known as On'nyosh, or if I lie to him about the terms of the contract, smite me. Looks at On'nyosh No soul stealing or other such twists to the contract. When he finishes, no divine smite kills him See? And the price will be a dead killer's teeth.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(I just had to fix a mistake I made in my last post, lol. I had put ‘I’m into that shit’ instead of ‘I’m not into that shit’. Lmao!)

Ōn’nyosh: Just soul-stealing? Yeah, no. I am not doing it. I don’t give a shit if you become a fucking angel because of your honesty. I am not signing any fucking contract! However… if we have the same arrangement without a contract, I can deal with that. Otherwise, fuck that.

Deleted user

Dane: Sighs and closes his hand around the brand. It, and the mark on his hand, disappear. He looks disappointed Very well.

(I didn't notice, XD)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language


Ōn’nyosh: Watches warily, then relaxes slightly. I get the inconvenience, and I apologize, but it’s just not what I’m into or looking for. Anyway. Bows slightly, then wanders off to the side, so his nerves could settle more. He glances toward Amber to check on her. He also looks around to see where everyone is.

Deleted user

Dane: Waves off the apology, chuckling It's fine.

Christina: Is deepening the crater she'd made earlier, sending a few rude expressions Mirada's way

Deleted user

Amber: Watches pretending to be far less interested than she is. She circles the group again, then lands next to Kek. Hey.
Mirada: Looks intensely at Christina, eyes piercing in a way that isn’t natural for any realm. Why do you hate me? I’d like to know.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Ōn’nyosh: Shrugs and chuckles at Dane’s words. He then smiles when he sees that Amber seems to be fine. He gazes at Kek in confusion, having forgotten that he was still around. Then, he snickers at Christina and Mirada. He mumbles, Maybe, it’s because you’re a disrespectful asshole. Abruptly starts laughing because of his mumbling.

Deleted user

Mirada: The hair on the back of his neck stands up and he smiles at Dane like they are old friends. Takes one to know one, aye chum?

Deleted user

Dane: Eyes Mirada Because you're a half-baked shitnugget playing at being a big boy when really you're just a big, semi-intelligent fuckstain. Rolls his eyes, now not deigning to respond to Mirada

Deleted user

Mirada: Ignores Dane, and studies Christina closely. I know of you. I know your story, at least.

Deleted user

Christina: Whips around and is in front of Mirada in a flash, her right hand pulling Mirada to her by the neck. She's clearly furious You know nothing, human. None of it is written in human history. Your kind is what destroyed mine. Do not presume to "know me."

Deleted user

Mirada: * Smiles as though he’s not being choked.* My creator. She told me of you, as she is betrothed to your creator. So none of what I know is presumption. He Rolls his eyes, and his true form shows, a form so beautiful it is frightening. He pushes her off him easily. Also, I’m not totally human. Don’t presume. I’m half fae. So I suggest you watch yourself.

Deleted user

Kek: Looks up from drawing something and slams the sketchbook shut before glancing around, wondering who'd talked to him. When he sees Amber, he smiles slightly and nods. Hey.

Deleted user

Christina: Doesn't even care Cool. What Creators do is their business. They won't interfere in our business. Especially considering I'm a Creator. You humans think yourselves so much better than the other races. Especially when you're a Halfling. You're inferior either as a full human or a half human. I don't care about the Fae anyways. Considering I'm a Sylvan Entity, I don't have any reason to care about the Fae.