forum Sad Boi Hours (a character chat, run by a character, for characters, who are bored)Open!
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Deleted user

Nori: Im fifteen. I know, I know, I look like i'm ten. glares in 5'3"

Deleted user

Wren: Scowls at Kek You shoukdn't be here, Nightmarish. The Changelings are claiming this realm.

Deleted user

Wren: Glowing brighter than usual Oh- umm… yeah… I've been back- anyways-

Deleted user

Yui has joined the chat

Yui: What's up, people? Why is the Changeling glowing so brightly?
Sky: Hmmm… the Changelings and the Nightmarish both trying to claim the realm… interesting…

Deleted user

Nori: raises hand. And me. I would also like to claim this realm.

Deleted user

Yui: And me! Bae, you don't stand a chance!
Sky: Sighs

Sky has left the chat

Deleted user

Yui: Oh, I'm a half demon, half angel. I'm a Fae, basically. And ya know it, bae! I mean, the ears and wings should have been a tip-off, yeah?

Deleted user

Nori: gotcha. I mean, I've got wings but i'm not fae… sad look into the distance

Deleted user

Yui: Catlike grin And you… I've heard of you! The infamous Silver Shadow! You have quite the herald, you know. Her grin turns malicious And, it's easy to become a Fae! Just dance with one of us!

Deleted user

Wren: Confused "Quite the herald"? Infamous? Since when am I evil? Just because I don't have the same morals as you beings from this universe does not mean that I have none. And do not dance with Yui.

Deleted user

Kek: Imma just steal that for when the Dreamweavers come at me again about ruining their work and whatnot-
Kek: And I don't ruin it on purpose. Nightmares and dreams are already opposites!

Deleted user

Yui: Frowning You're no fun, Wren! And bae, you and the Dreamweavers need to get your acts together.

Deleted user

Kek: eyes smolder i need my moondust and ground onyx. class 9 nightmare.
Kek: and imma make SURE that those stupid Dreamers won't change it this time-

Deleted user

Yui: Grinning even more maliciously now Welllllll… if you don't ask where I got the materials, I can help you whip up a class 10…

Deleted user

Kek: Stupid, Gino can make a class 10. I can make a class 15, but i thought i would save my stuff because everyone gets on y nerves so imma need more nigytmares
Kek: also this is not what i thought it'd be
Kek: Nori said angst and there ain't a lot of it. i'm still hungry.

Deleted user

Nori: uhhhh…. standing there awkwardly
Ari: childlike obliviousness
Cici: leaves the chat in utter confusion

Deleted user

Yui: Grabs Cici when she tries to leave Oh, no! Nobody leaves quite just yet!