forum No idea what to call this (anyone can join) (FINISHED)
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Nyx went pinker. Nobody had ever, ever called her pretty before. Seven had called her "nice", and the occasional "super", but… pretty? No. Pretty was a word for Phoenix.

Deleted user

"I mean, have you seen your freckles? And your eyes, oh my god your eyes…" He swooned


"Seven called me nice, and super, and… but Phoenix is always, has always been the pretty one, and Seven loved her and not me, and I've never been… the centre of attention…" The words were falling out of her mouth like wooden blocks spilled by a kindergartener, clunky and awkward.


Nyx opened her mouth, not sure of what to say. Her fists clenched on the table.
"He was my best friend," she said in a shaky voice.


Dang it, Nyx, don't get emotional.
Tears were sparkling in her eyes.
"He - he's -"
She couldn't get the word out. Her lips froze on d.

Deleted user

"Come here…" He hugged her.
"It's going to be okay…" he assured