forum Light-Hearted Cinnamon Roll Chat (Open to Everyone)
Started by @murphysgirl

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Jax woke up in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room. She ducked under the covers, whimpering with fear.
Where's Captain? Why am I here? Where's the submarine? Captain wouldn't leave me behind, would he?

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"I see that! My name is Ben. What time era do you come from?" He signed

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"Mid-1850s… What's the 1950s like? Are there flying horses?"


Abie, deciding that the two boys would be fine, got up and resumed her search for sugar.
In came Seven, blue curls shining. He frowned at the shep. "Abie, what are you doing?"
shep is not doing anything.
Seven promptly scooped the shep into his arms. "Are you looking for sugar?"
no. Abie waved her tail.
Seven kissed the shep's head and patted her belly; she giggled.

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"Slow down, will you? What's a show? and what is tell-a-vision?"