forum Just found forums. Anyone up for character chat?
Started by @The_Cactis_Lord

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Screaming cinnamon roll

a pale girl with blond-brown hair steps in drawing a tall boy with bony features and reddish brown hair in. Behind them a girl with electric blue eyes and long curly black hair steps in. The girl with the long black hair Asks looking around, "is anyone still here?"

@Darkblossom group

(Quick note my character looks like a snake with legs, not a lizard, if you removed her legs she would literally be a snake, and is about four feet tall from claw to head) Tiak observed the people around her, wondering at the strangeness of grounders. She was glad that no other Skarmin were around though, as that would get…ugly. She shuddered at the thought.


A young man with a shock of dark blond hair pulled into a bun stepped into the clearing. His grip tightened around the shotgun he carried. "Who's there?"


"Wah!" Jesse jumped backward, nearly dropping his gun. "What the hell…" Jesse approached the creature and walked around it a few times, starting at her confusedly. "I, uh… I'm Jesse. Are you a snake?"

@Darkblossom group

She rolled her eyes playfully.
“No silly. I’m a Skarmin. Snakes are just my non-sentient cousins that I eat for breakfast,” she replied, her tail whipping back and forth like a dog’s.


Jesse shook his head, bewildered. "Where on Earth did you- well, where did you come from? I've never seen anything like you on Earth."


A dark figure with a metallic silver mask was observing hands covered by metallic claws kept himself in the shadows, almost spying on the human and the skarmin, moved from cover to cover, not wanting to be seen. He was waiting, seeing the two beigns presented a menace to him


"Well, I guess this isn't the weirdest thing I've ever seen," Jesse chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "though I can't help but feel like we're being watched."

@Darkblossom group

“Of course we are being watched. Can you grounders not scent them? I thought they weren’t a threat, so I didn’t say anything,” Tiak lifted her snout into the air, sniffing again.
“Yup, definitely a grounder. Male. They are roughly over there,” Tiak points just to the left of the person spying on them with a four fingered hand.


Not wanting to cause any trouble, the figure reaveals himself. "Facinating, missing me by inches with the pure sense of smell, truly you are a fascinating being" Coming out of the shadows with his arms raised showing a figure covered by a black trenchcoat with details of red on the inside and the belts around it.


"Skarmin? I don´t think I had the pleasure to meet one, especially as skillful as you"
The figure took a few steps closer to the group

@Darkblossom group

Tiak puffed up her chest, smiling. Back home, she was often looked down on as the only female guard, and had to work very hard to even get that position. She should be pack leader, for she had beaten Rok, but being female she wasn’t allowed to ascend to such great heights.


"Oh, but where ara my manners" The figure asked to himself in a serious tone. Streching out his hand towards Tiak he said "My name is Locux, leader of the Twice Pact"

Deleted user

Jay sat, a small distance away, watching them, unsure whether to interact with them or not, he peered at the one called Tiak and pondered whether or not she was a threat.

@Darkblossom group

Tiak grinned, revealing sharp fangs and a row of deadly teeth. Her jaws were powerful enough to crush bone, and though she looked small, hard muscle rippled underneath her scales.


"what's a creature like you doing in a place like this?" Locux asked hesitant wheter to retract his hand or to wait for Tiak to return the salute

Deleted user

Jay continued watching them, shooting sparks between his hands boredly. He quickly stopped remembering magic obviously gave off a magic aura


Locux sensed the aura, he decided to act like he didn't notice it but he made a quick note of the general area of where the magic was coming from, with his free hand he slowly went to grab the revolver hidden inside his trenchcoat