@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(hell yes)
Elliot is typing…
Elliot: Hello? Anyone there?
Simon had been doing anything he could to distract himself today. He wasn’t exactly sure why, today was just one of those days where he felt like shit. So he opted to stay in bed, scrolling through his phone. Somehow, his obscure internet browsing had gotten him here, to some random chat site.
Sy is typing…
Sy: heyo
Elliot was secluded in his room. He wasn't really in the best of moods when it came to Marcos, and just being stuck with a god in general.
Elliot is typing…
Elliot: You a Claimed too?
Simon was a bit surprised by how direct this Elliot was, but he didn’t question it. Hoping they were talking about the same thing, he quickly typed back a response.
Sy is typing…
Sy: yes
Elliot looked down at the screen a moment, letting out a breath. He wasn't sure who this 'Sy' person was, or what god they were tied to, but it was nice to think there was someone else who was tied to a god with access to the internet.
Elliot is typing…
Elliot: Miss Earth? I do
Simon was quick to type up another response, letting out a sad sigh as he did so.
Sy is typing…
Sy: yeah i do, it’s been about three months since i’ve been down there. how about you? how long has it been?
Elliot bit his lip lightly.
Elliot is typing…
Elliot: …A few years
Elliot: He isnt big on going to Earth
Elliot: My god
Simon instantly felt bad for this stranger. Simon could never imagine….well he supposed there would be a point where he hadn’t been to Earth in that long either. If he was even allowed to live that long.
Sy is typing…
Sy: i’m sorry, that sounds awful
In an attempt to make Elliot feel a bit better, Simon typed up another response after his first.
Sy: i’ve only been here for four months or so, so that’s probably why my time’s shorter than yours.
Elliot felt a sad smile coming to his lips when he saw what he took as an attempt to comfort him.
Elliot is typing…
Elliot: Hopefully your time wont be as long as mine has
Simon barely even had to think on this one before he responded.
Sy is typing…
Sy: i hope so too. i think i’ll either be here for a very short time or a very long time, nothing in between.
Sy: sorry that probably doesn’t make much sense, does it? :/
Elliot… he had too much of an idea as to how much that was.
Elliot is typing…
Elliot: Hopefully it isnt too bad, no matter the outcome
Elliot: It makes sense, dont worry
’Well….’ Simon thought to himself bleakly. ‘Things are already going pretty bad for me…’ But he didn’t want to think about it, let alone talk it all over with this stranger.
Sy: yeah hopefully
Wren suddenly felt the world come back to him once again. There was nothing, and then there was everything. It came in more of a rush when it usually did. He was prepared to 'glare' at the god of chaos awakening him again to chat about utter nonsense. Seriously, Derlik had so many issues, he didn't know where he would even start. But it was then that he realized that he felt heavier in a way. The room flashed in and out of focus without a sign of anyone else there. He was blinking. And that meant… he was in a new body. Did Marcos leave for a moment in the time it took him to awaken? Oh, he so didn't want to speak to him again. He wasn't apologising. Not for anything.
A few minutes passed, and no one came. So… this was an accident. But a good one in his opinion. Looking around, he noticed a small device sitting on a table nearby. A phone. He had just started to learn to use one of these before… everything.
Somehow it was charged, and Wren began to scroll through it, exploring what he could. Despite all these years, his thirst of knowledge was never changing.
He found himself at some sort of forum. He glanced at it, realizing the two existing members were talking about their lives as fellow Claimed.
Wren is typing...
Wren: Question, what year is it?
Simon was a bit surprised when someone else appeared in their little chat, having almost forgotten that this was a public chat forum.
Sy is typing…
Sy: 2021. who are you?
Wren blinked as the response came. It had been that long since he had been in here…?
'Wren is typing…`
Wren: I'm a Claimed as well unfortunately.
Simon had a mixed response of relief and sadness at Wren’s response. It was awful to think about, that there were other people suffering under the gods.
Sy is typing…
Sy: i see…sorry then i guess, that you’re stuck with them too
Wren cracked a small smile reading the response. Oh, whoever Sy was had no idea. Well, he did, but he would learn it always became more than you could handle.
Wren is typing...
Wren: Don't be. Despite the fact the situation isn't great, I'd prefer it than being stuck with the god of bloodlust or something.
Elliot watched as the new person arrived, lips pursing. It was sad to see, that there were others who weren't doing well.
Elliot is typing…
Elliot: What gods are you guys tied to?
Wren felt he should answer honestly. If these other people were in a similar situation, he shouldn't lie. Plus, this was the first technical social contact with other human beings since… he didn't know when. Even before the fight, he never got to be with his own kind very often.
Wren is typing...
Wren: Marcos.
Elliot hesitated when he saw this. Marcos? He'd never seen anyone else around, though.
Elliot is typing…
Elliot: Really? I'm Claimed by Marcos too. I thought I was the only one
Wren was surprised as well. Of course Marcos wouldn't tell him. It was just surprising that the unwelcomed visits from the god of chaos didn't include this. The boy thought Derlik would have loved to brag about how Marcos had already replaced him.
Wren is typing...
Wren: Yeah. He wouldn't have told you because you aren't supposed to know. How long have you been Claimed?
Elliot couldn't help but feel he was having his leg pulled. Marcos would hide the fact there was an entire other human in the halls, would he?
Elliot is typing…
Elliot: Why am I not supposed to know? Ive been here for about two years now
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