Setting: A city hewn into caves, with long winding corridors way to easy to get lost in, lit by strange silver lamps with no flame
Max. 3 characters per person
They will appear somewhere on the outskirts of the city and must make their way to the center. My characters live here but will also appear at the outskirts
Sal: This place is a bit…strange.
Aquarius: Yeah, kinda humbling seeing a city this big.
Raellah: Where are you taking me? Let go!
Kilándrè: Relax, child. Welcome to Har-Tel-Edolë
Axion: What even. she sees Kilándrè then groans.
Nellie: Well where in the actual hell am I now?
Aiko: What's going on?
Marcus: Aye, what's up half-pint
tries to teleport away
Satan: Jesus, what the Hell's going on?
Raellah: Who the hell is that?
Kilándrè: shrug Let's hope I don't have to bring the tunnels down on them
Raellah: You can do that? Cool!
Marrin: Where the literal fuck am I?
Nellie: (screaming) OI ANYONE, WHERE THE HELL AM I?
Kilándrè: Har-Tel-Edolë. And if you don't all shut the fuck up, you can stay in the outer caves forever
Aiko: Hey.
scoffs endearingly at Marcus
Satan: Y'know, this place is sorta cool, wherever we are.
starts to fly up, scouting around the area
Nellie: Yeesh. Didn't know it was against the law to yell. Wait - caves? God, I hate caves.
Raellah: Do you know where you're going
Kilándrè: I have been navigating this place for the last 200 years. Of course I do!
Marrin: Aye, aye, aye. Lets out a long sigh
Axion: stays silent and watches everyone talk.
Marcus: Christ, I can't teleport and I can't find a way out from above.
Aiko: So we're in the "outer caves"? Hmh…
Raellah: Who are you taking me to?
Kilándrè: Your…girlfriend smirks
Raellah: My girlfriend in on Earth!
Kilándrè: No, in your previous existence
Raellah: But I'm not him!
Kilándrè: half-smile We'll see
Marrin: How offended would you be If I blew this place up?
Aiko: Seriously Marcus, you can't teleport?
Marcus: I don't hsve the energy to use most of my powers. Overtime at work…
Satan: Why do you people waste your time with work?
Marrin: Why would you say that? All I do is blow shit up, it is literally my reason for existing.
Kilándrè: Well, unless you are a long lost brother or cousin from a different world, you'll blow yourself up
Kilándrè: Every damned city has a defence system
Satan: Could you elaborate?
turns to Marrin
You like blowing things up?