forum books i loved in middle school/high school but forgot about until just now
Started by @ccb group

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@ccb group

i'm home with my parents for a couple weeks before school starts back up, so i'm scouring my old bookshelf and finding some ~treasures~ from my past :) take these as recommendations, or just take it as me rambling, but i wanted to document my findings somewhere lol

anya's ghost by vera brogsol: a beautifully illustrated graphic novel about a girl who falls down a well and comes out of it with… a ghost friend!! wow, a ghost friend. sounds kinda scary, right? ahaha just kidding… unless?

the god box by alex sanchez: i actually fully can't remember if the writing in this book was good or not, but it's about a gay boy in a small texas town coming to terms with his sexuality and searching for a way to reconcile it with his christianity, and though i'm not religious anymore, it meant a lot to me growing up as a young bisexual christian

the dark net by jamie bartlett: i read this one in tenth grade, and like, yeah, it feels a little ironic to be reading a hard copy book bout the dark web, but it was a informative and compelling introduction for someone who knew absolutely nothing about that underworld at the time.

behind the beautiful forevers by katherine boo: sort of a hands-on account of the rapid industrialization and wealth inequality of mumbai; boo is a journalist who spent an immersive 3 years in a mumbai undercity and she's actually sharing the stories of its residents instead of just being like i'm a western journalist i know Everything and it's so rich and gut-wrenching and deftly written. i read this one in 11th grade i think?

arcadia by tom stoppard: not a book it's a play, but guys please read tom stoppard's arcadia. i have trauma surrounding the period of time when i was engaging w/ it as a text so it's hard to read without being triggered but it's so so good please read it for me and enjoy it in a way i no longer can

@HighPockets group

This is a bit younger than what you were asking about, but I just went through a box of my old books from when I was a toddler/elementary schooler and found so many that I'd forgotten about!

@ccb group

This is a bit younger than what you were asking about, but I just went through a box of my old books from when I was a toddler/elementary schooler and found so many that I'd forgotten about!

aww i love that! did you find anything nice? most of my books from when i was a young kid are in a box in our basement but i'd kind of love to go through them sometime and see what i might remember

@HighPockets group

This is a bit younger than what you were asking about, but I just went through a box of my old books from when I was a toddler/elementary schooler and found so many that I'd forgotten about!

aww i love that! did you find anything nice? most of my books from when i was a young kid are in a box in our basement but i'd kind of love to go through them sometime and see what i might remember

I found my Pigeon books (my favorite of my old kids' books), as well as my copies of Diary of a Worm and Diary of a Spider, which I also loved!
There's a really neat garden up in Sheboygan that's displays are based off of various kids books, it's called Bookworm Gardens and it's very cute and wholesome!!

@ccb group

This is a bit younger than what you were asking about, but I just went through a box of my old books from when I was a toddler/elementary schooler and found so many that I'd forgotten about!

aww i love that! did you find anything nice? most of my books from when i was a young kid are in a box in our basement but i'd kind of love to go through them sometime and see what i might remember

I found my Pigeon books (my favorite of my old kids' books), as well as my copies of Diary of a Worm and Diary of a Spider, which I also loved!
There's a really neat garden up in Sheboygan that's displays are based off of various kids books, it's called Bookworm Gardens and it's very cute and wholesome!!

oh the pigeon books like don't let the pigeon drive the bus?? those were my jam. and omg that sounds so cute. i was gonna say i'd have loved that when i was a kid, but i'm sure i'd still love it now

@HighPockets group

This is a bit younger than what you were asking about, but I just went through a box of my old books from when I was a toddler/elementary schooler and found so many that I'd forgotten about!

aww i love that! did you find anything nice? most of my books from when i was a young kid are in a box in our basement but i'd kind of love to go through them sometime and see what i might remember

I found my Pigeon books (my favorite of my old kids' books), as well as my copies of Diary of a Worm and Diary of a Spider, which I also loved!
There's a really neat garden up in Sheboygan that's displays are based off of various kids books, it's called Bookworm Gardens and it's very cute and wholesome!!

oh the pigeon books like don't let the pigeon drive the bus?? those were my jam. and omg that sounds so cute. i was gonna say i'd have loved that when i was a kid, but i'm sure i'd still love it now

Yep, those pigeon books! Unfortunately we didn't have copies of my two favorites, but now my mom and I are scrambling to order the ones we didn't save online lol. It's super fun! I'm planning to go before August ends and hoping I enjoy it as much as I did back in middle school

@ccb group

This is a bit younger than what you were asking about, but I just went through a box of my old books from when I was a toddler/elementary schooler and found so many that I'd forgotten about!

aww i love that! did you find anything nice? most of my books from when i was a young kid are in a box in our basement but i'd kind of love to go through them sometime and see what i might remember

I found my Pigeon books (my favorite of my old kids' books), as well as my copies of Diary of a Worm and Diary of a Spider, which I also loved!
There's a really neat garden up in Sheboygan that's displays are based off of various kids books, it's called Bookworm Gardens and it's very cute and wholesome!!

oh the pigeon books like don't let the pigeon drive the bus?? those were my jam. and omg that sounds so cute. i was gonna say i'd have loved that when i was a kid, but i'm sure i'd still love it now

Yep, those pigeon books! Unfortunately we didn't have copies of my two favorites, but now my mom and I are scrambling to order the ones we didn't save online lol. It's super fun! I'm planning to go before August ends and hoping I enjoy it as much as I did back in middle school

i don't know if this actually happened or if i was just very confused, but i think when i was like 4/5 mo willems (inventor of the pigeon, as i like to call him) came and did a book reading at the library near my house. i'm pretty sure i met him, though i can't say for certain

@HighPockets group

This is a bit younger than what you were asking about, but I just went through a box of my old books from when I was a toddler/elementary schooler and found so many that I'd forgotten about!

aww i love that! did you find anything nice? most of my books from when i was a young kid are in a box in our basement but i'd kind of love to go through them sometime and see what i might remember

I found my Pigeon books (my favorite of my old kids' books), as well as my copies of Diary of a Worm and Diary of a Spider, which I also loved!
There's a really neat garden up in Sheboygan that's displays are based off of various kids books, it's called Bookworm Gardens and it's very cute and wholesome!!

oh the pigeon books like don't let the pigeon drive the bus?? those were my jam. and omg that sounds so cute. i was gonna say i'd have loved that when i was a kid, but i'm sure i'd still love it now

Yep, those pigeon books! Unfortunately we didn't have copies of my two favorites, but now my mom and I are scrambling to order the ones we didn't save online lol. It's super fun! I'm planning to go before August ends and hoping I enjoy it as much as I did back in middle school

i don't know if this actually happened or if i was just very confused, but i think when i was like 4/5 mo willems (inventor of the pigeon, as i like to call him) came and did a book reading at the library near my house. i'm pretty sure i met him, though i can't say for certain

D: that's awesome! I've only met two authors, one wrote some YA romances I never read and the other wrote some American Girl books I loved. She signed one of mine!