forum Hi people! I could help rp for the first/one of the first times if u want.
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

people_alt 4 followers


This will prob be ignored but whatevs. What I was trying to get across in the title was:
I am an experienced role player (186 rps!) who can halp if ur havin some trouble so yeah. Anyone’s welcome to join; just thought I’d put this out there…..

Deleted user

Thanks! I couldn't survive without this website and my peoples!!!

Deleted user

Oh hi Im stephen. Nice to meet you can you teach me how to rp


There's an open dialogue bar underneath the search bar at the top of the page. Type something in there to create a title for the thread. Another, larger box will show up underneath the title box once you click in it. That's the description box. Both fields require writing before becoming an actual thread.