forum Surrealism
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I really want to start doing surrealism.

Examples you say?


This is so similar to my art style and the type of traditional esque I have, and a lot of surreal art is traditional.

Here’s some of my art if you’re new to my style:

I attempted surrealism a while ago last year, but it didn’t exactly work out in the way I wanted it to.

I think I could redraw this somehow, but I wanted opinions/tips.

What do you think?


I think you should go for it!!! If it’s something you want to learn then don’t hesitate, get out of your comfort zone and try something new!!!

If it wasn’t for my painterly semi-realism phase two years ago I would still be drawing nothing but generic anime girls with severely crooked anatomy from trying to trace bases off DeviantArt-

And if it doesn’t look right at first, try again! Redraw things as many times as you need.
You’ll get there eventually
It might take some time, but you will
You got this, fren <3

Deleted user

Thank you so much!! Almost as soon as I finished reading this, I swept off of the site to go find something to draw.

i found something but it feels like half of my life is gone because of it lmao