forum Please give me an idea. Maybe a character?
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people_alt 50 followers

Deleted user

Name: Elon Musk
Age: 48
Occupation: Businessman
Family: Two ex-wives and seven children
Likes: Cars, business, planes
Dislikes: Normal names for children
Birthday: June 28, 1971

Deleted user

Vary funny @xanny but i want a legit character

Deleted user

Perhaps you could think of one yourself
You know
As writers do

@Pickles group

You beg people for help, and then you get mad when they suggest things and continue to beg and whine. Grow up and get your head out of your ass, Mosis.

Deleted user

Name: T-Series
Age: Immortal
Occupation: Massive corporation that owns all of Bollywood
Family: The entirety of Bollywood
Likes: Music, sub bots, India
Dislikes: Swedish millionaires, originality, copyright problems
Birthday: July 11, 1983

@JuniperDreams group

I think op was just asking for drawing suggestions, not full on character bios… and if that's the case, I'd be happy to lend you some of mine!

@JuniperDreams group

Yeah! I have a few public, so go ahead and use any of them if you want :) Some of them have art already if you need references. Have fun with it, my dude!