forum Idea Dump
Started by @SpookyScarySnoteleks group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

So I was chillin', thinking of what to draw, when I had a rare Thought. Don't freak out, I do have Thoughts occasionally.
So my idea is, people can share ideas that'd be cool to draw, and if somebody needs inspiration, they can come here and see if they can find something.
Idk if this'll take off or not, but I thought it was cool so we'll see how it goes

I'm just gonna put some rules here:
1) You can share your art here, but you don't have to.
2) This chat is for sharing ideas and art. If you have an argument to settle, I'll ask you to take it to pms.
3) I'd appreciate it if you didn't use big letters.

I'll probably add more rules if people actually start using this.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Bump because guys, gals and nonbinary pals I have an idea that came to me last night
Basically, pick a genre of music(ie. lo-fi), and design a character/outfit/setting/whatever that fits the genre.
For an extra challenge, take an already-made character(can be yours or from something else) and make an outfit based off of the genre but one that would fit the character.


I had a drawing concept that came to me at 3am months ago but due to complexity never really got to it
Basically just a girl standing on the edge of a floating island cliff, sunset reflecting in her eyeballs while the background’s like this galaxy sky thing and a giant moon with a blue forest in front of it, some tiny mushrooms, and I think I threw a wolf in there-?

This was the stick figure doodle I scribbled down on my phone instead of sleeping so I’d remember it in the morning-

I don’t think I’ll ever get to drawing it so if y’all wanna steal it just go for it, don’t have to credit me although I’d love to see what you create