forum I want to draw characters (cartoony) [Closed, all pending art will be finished]
Started by Remy

people_alt 56 followers


I know a lot of people here are looking for realistic art, but if by chance that youd like some digital cartoony styled art, I'll be able to draw it.

Link your character below so I can get a good idea of what I have to work with! :)

@4lagoon4 group

Ahaha! Aww he looks so cute! I absolutely love it, thank you. 🙌💖(Gonna add this to his profile 😂) Had to edit this to say I freakin love the attention to detail with him holding his satchel

Deleted user

(Yoooo! You're sick! When I get my new characters in I am so going here!)


@PrettyLittlePyro_has_zero_motivation sure

Also thank you guys for having references