Scene 4 EDIT
In the heart of the bustling city, where the rhythm of life echoed through narrow streets and towering buildings, Cade and Bridger shared a modest apartment. Their relationship was a unique blend of camaraderie and tension, a dance of frenemies with benefits.

Cade, with his stoic demeanor that occasionally gave way to cocky charm and flirty banter, often found himself toeing the line with Bridger. Bridger, a grounded individual wrapped in an egotistical exterior, reveled in their banter but struggled to match Cade's overt flirtations.

One evening, as the city lights cast a warm glow on their shared space, Cade found himself in a particularly playful mood. He lounged on the couch, smirking as he watched Bridger go about his business.

"Hey, Bridger," Cade called, his voice laced with mischief, "you know, for someone so arrogant and egotistical your good looks and writing skills make it easy for you to be forgiven" he said looking up from the book Bridger had wrote.

Bridger, caught off guard by his roomate reading his book and the unexpected over the top perfect compliment for him, simply mumbled a shy, quiet response, focusing on the task at hand trying to hide his shyness.

Undeterred, Cade continued, "I was thinking, we should spice things up a bit. Maybe a little game of truth or dare?" He said in a seductive voice alluding to much more.

Bridger, typically quick with a retort, found himself unusually shy in the face of Cade's persistent flirtation. He cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact. "Truth or dare? Seriously we aren't teens any more?"

Cade grinned, enjoying seeing Bridger's discomfort and new found shyness. "Yeah so what? It might be fun. Unless, of course, you're too scared."

Bridger, his ego stung, finally glanced at Cade quickly. "Fine, truth then. Ask your question." He responded trying to maintain his jerk facade.

Cade leaned in closer to Bridger sitting in the other one person couch, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Okay, Bridger, truth. Do you secretly enjoy when I flirt with you?"

Bridger's cheeks flushed with an unexpected blush, and for the first time, he found himself at a loss for words. He stammered, "I—uh, that's not the point of the game."

Cade chuckled, sensing he had hit a nerve. "Relax, Bridger. It's just a simple game. But you didn't answer the question."

Bridger, still grappling with his newfound shyness, mumbled, "I don't um.. maybe... I don't know. Yea but don't think about it too much!" He responded slowly then quickly admitting his true feelings in his last sentence.

"Ha I knew it bri your so predictable yet so intriguing" Cade laughed at Bridgers bright red face trying to hide his own.

Bridger was left speechless he couldn't believe he confessed such a stupid thing it hurt his ego but most importantly made him have to live with Cade knowing his secret he couldn't respond all he could do was stammer.

As the banter continued, a subtle shift occurred in their dynamic. Cade, realizing the impact of his persistent flirting, started to observe Bridger more closely. The playful atmosphere transformed into a delicate balance, where Bridger's shy responses spoke volumes about the unspoken tension between them.