Childhood crush EDIT
In the city of smoke shore, two kids, Cade and Bridger, found themselves entangled in a complex relationship that teetered between friendship and rivalry. Cade, with his usually stoic yet cocky charm and flirtatious nature reserved only for Bridger, often clashed with Bridger, the egotistical, jerk who exuded an air of superiority yet was somehow the most grounded.

Their interactions were a mix of playful banter and sharp exchanges, concealing the unspoken feelings that lingered beneath the surface. As they navigated through their days of walking by the sea and city with their taunts and competitive challenges, an unexpected realization began to dawn on both of them - they might have feelings for each other beyond their little frenemy shtick.

One afternoon, as they found themselves reluctantly outside going for ice cream, an uncomfortable silence hung between them. Cade, usually quick with a witty remark, was uncharacteristically quiet, while Bridger seemed lost in thought, contemplating something deeper.

Cade broke the silence tentatively, "You know, Bridger, maybe we don't have to be at each other's throats all the time." He said drawing circles along the edge of his watch with his thumb.

Bridger, surprised by the unusual sentiment from Cade, nodded shyly in agreement. "Yeah, maybe... maybe there's something more between us than just constant bickering." He replied in a quiet voice scared to be heard while he fiddled with the heam of his shirt.

Their realization was met with uncertainty and hesitation. They were kids grappling with emotions they didn't quite understand, caught in the midst of a budding connection that felt foreign yet oddly familiar.

Cade, with a hint of vulnerability in his voice, admitted, "I might actually kinda like hanging out with you, Bridger, even when we're not arguing." He said opening and closing his hands repeatedly trying to work up the courage to grab his hand.

Bridger, unable to conceal the softness in his demeanor, confessed shyly, "I guess you're not as annoying as I make you out to be. Maybe... I actually enjoy our debates." He responded noticing Cades hands.

Their admission opened a door to a newfound understanding, a tentative truce that allowed them to explore the feelings they had been ignoring. As they tentatively took took each others hand, realizing that beneath the facade of rivalry, there was a budding friendship, and perhaps even something more.

Their silence replaced with shy talk about their life not wanting the moment to end but being scared of what this feeling was feeling this was right but scared of how right it was.