one time, I tried to sing

Heart sat against a wall, fidgeting with their sleeves slightly. It had been a while since the incident, but they were still nervous about being around Mind or Soul. So they preferred to stay alone, singing their songs, the ones they wrote before they lost their eyes. They were lucky they’d memorized them by now.

It started with humming. Then, Heart’s soft voice carried through the quiet hall.

*”One time, I tried to sing... about spring and a storm.”*

They didn’t notice the near-silent footsteps going down the hallway. They were already in their little happy place.

*“But you know how it goes...”*

Heart jolted slightly, hearing the low whirring of Mind’s voice modulator as he... hummed along? They hesitated.

*“Um... blah, blah, blah, blah, bla-bla, blah... all along.*”

A short pause, then Mind interrupted Heart.

**”Oh, you thought they were listening? Now, don’t be absurd.”**

Mind’s low, mechanical voice was a harsh contrast to Heart’s as he sang his own version of the song. Heart huffed slightly, their wings fluffing out in annoyance. They sung their next verse a bit louder, earning another interruption from Mind.

*”All the rain comes down the same-“*

**”-But not a drop can stake its claim.”**

*”On the ground, then back around up into the sky.”*

Heart felt a little annoyed, but not nearly as much as they probably should have. Mind was bugging them, yes, but not being downright *rude.*

As the two sung their next couple lines, Mind effortlessly sang over Heart as they struggled to raise their voice. Heart soon grew silent and pouted slightly, quickly accepting defeat. Mind also went quiet, the modulator amplifying his soft huff. It sounded less like one of annoyance, and more like one of triumph.

*”No fair.”*

**”What’s no fair?”**

Heart hesitated. *”You practically have a built-in speaker to talk through.”*

**”Technically, we all do. Mine is just artificial.”**

Heart was a bit confused. They were arguing, but also not arguing. It felt more like banter.

*”You know what I meant.”*

**”I never do.”**

It was an odd sense of calm after all the mayhem. Heart found themselves laughing quietly.

**”By the way, you look like you desperately need some fresh air.”**

And before Heart could ask what Mind had meant by that, they heard his footsteps walking away from them. They probably just looked pale.