The Shadows and Darkness of Blood; Chapter Three

     Justin blows out a breath, laughing, "You forget, Charlie, partying is life. It is amazing." And this was true, Justin always loved parties, and clubbing made him feel more at home. It was how he had met Wren. He had seen the beautiful boy dancing in the crowd, and just had to talk to him. They had ended up in Wren's apartment hooking up. He had called it a successful night, only because he didn't have a moment to think. To dwell.
     "You know, there are other ways to deal with your problems, Justin." Charlie's voice was soft, concerned. Charlie didn't know what had happened to Justin, he only knew that Justin was permanently scared. Mentally, emotionally and physically.
     "And what would I tell the shrink? That I am an immortal vampire and I have lived for four-hundred forty-four years? How well do you think that is going to go over? I would be sent to an asylum."
     "Shrink is a rude term, it's therapist these days. And they aren't called asylums either. Mental Health Hospitals. Really Justin, keep up with the times."
     "Asylum, Mental Health Hospital. It is the same thing!"
     "No, it's not. An asylum would simply lock you up and do nothing, while the Hospital would help you."
     "Whatever, Charlie. Does not matter, I would be sent away and locked up. Seen as some goth or emo fanatic who takes it way to far." Justin walks along the sidewalk, leaving the S&D behind. "I mean, I think I look great for being four-hundred forty-four, but most people tend to look at me and think 'goth' or 'emo'. I look like a fanatic."
     "You look fucking crazy, Justin." Charlie mutters, "Anyways, come see me after you're done with the S&D, I wish to see you and say goodbye, as we won't be in the same neighborhood anymore."
     "We are not in the same neighborhood anyways, Charlie." Justin murmured, rolling his eyes. Though for a vampire, the same county was the same neighborhood. Being able to run at supernatural speeds did that to people. It made it easier to travel the miles. "But either way, I am already on my way to see you. You were lucky, I had just found noshed my snack when you called."
     "Ah, lucky, am I? What would have done, hm? Ran all the way here and drained me?" Charlie asks, a light, teasing glint to his voice. "No, you would have ignored me until you were done, Justin. Just as you always do."
     Justin laughs softly and picks up the pace, not quite sprinting, but moving forward with purpose. He keeps the phone firmly pressed to his ear as he replies to Charlie, "Pfft, no."
     That was a lie, Justin would have done just that. He didn't let other people dictate his life. If someone was calling him, they could very well wait until he could answer the annoying, glowing device. "I would leave the one I was feeding from and hunt you down. Then I would beat you into a pulp for your insolence."
     Charlie laughs. The kind of laugh that has you throwing your head back and coughing afterwards. True to this, Charlie coughs, still laughing, "Justin, you love me too much to do such a thing to me."
     Justin hangs up and pounds on the door in front of him, "Get your ass out here so I can punch your stupid face!"
     He calls. He got some strange looks from those around him. An elderly woman trying to go into her own apartment looked like she was going to beat him with her handbag. It made sens, she probably wasn't used to strange men appearing in her high end complex and threatening her neighbors.
     The door opens and Charlie's fox like face appeared in the door way. His golden eyes gleamed with mirth as he looked down the hall, "It's all right Mrs. Kieran, this is my friend, Justin."
     "Oh, well, as long as he's not here to hurt you, dear." The elderly woman, Mrs. Kieran, replied, smiling at Charlie. She walked over and pulled a small bag out of her handbag. She then took a small, wrapped candy from the bag and offered it to Charlie, "Here, dear, have one of my lemon drops."
     Justin watches Charlie take it and smile even brighter at the old woman, "Thank you, Mrs. Kieran." Charlie unwrapped the small candy and placed it into his mouth before he grabbed Justin's arm and pulled him into the apartment. He closes the door and sighs as he leans back against it. He then looks at Justin, narrowing his eyes.
     "You didn't have to shout obscene words, Justin. Really, being immortal has blinded you to social norms."
     "Or maybe I just do not care for them as you do, Charlie." Justin murmurs, crossing his arms, "They are a waste of time. Why would I be nice and lie about how I am feeling just to please someone else?"
     "It's not. . . Oh never mind!" Charlie walked away, a light clinking following with every movement he made. Charlie was wearing a rainbow of bracelets on his arms and. . .
     "Good gods, Charlie! What the hell are you wearing?" Justin asks, incredulous.
     "Bangles! They make lovely sounds, don't they? Like bells!" Charlie grins at Justin.
     "They are like cheap bells. Annoying. Why must you wear such atrocities?" Justin murmurs, sounding exasperated as be threw himself onti Charlie's couch. They was typical for the fashionable fae, to wear some gody new thing and annoy Justin. Justin hid his amused smile, "Take those damn things off. I do not know why you wear them in the first place."
     Charlie laughs softly, looking at Justin and waving his arms, making the clanking sound again, "You're just jealous that I am more fabulous than you, my dear Justin."
     Justin snorts, tossing his head slightly, "Lies and slander! I am much more amazing and fabulous than you could ever hope to be." Justin crosses his arms, grinning at Charlie.
     Charlie glares at him, a playful grin on his face. "In your dreams!" The fae leaps at Justin, grappling into Justin's shirt and tossing the vampire off the couch and onto the floor. Charlie settles into Justin's previous spot, smirking at him.
     Justin laughs, rolls to his feet and grabs for Charlie's ankles. Charlie let's out a yelp as he's dragged off the couch. "You damned idiot! Fuck off my fucking seat!" He throws himself back into place on the couch, glaring at Charlie.
     Chris glares back, "It's *my* couch! And stop cursing. You sound like a sailor."
     "That's because I am a sailor!" He grumbles, snuggling back into the couch cushions. "But that's besides the point. Tis is my seat on the db couch. And you won't have it "
     Charlie laughs softly, "Okay, okay. . . Whatever you say."
     They both fall into silence, both lost in their own thoughts. The quiet between them growing and stretching.