The Shadows and Darkness of Blood; Chapter Two
FOUR hours AGO

     Justin looks at Wren, those beautiful brown eyes were starting to glaze with tears, "Wren, I am sorry. . . But this will not work long term."
     Wren shakes his head, "Long term, Justin?! We've been together for four years!"
     Wren's fingers dug into Justin's arm and tried to pull Justin closer. Justin obliged and lightly pressed his hand to Wren's cheek, "Wren, I love you, but there is no way this will work. I just. . . I have to go."
     "Justin, stay. Stay with me, please!" Wren begs, his grip tightening on Justin's arm, his nails dinging into his skin. The tears were now rolling down the boys cheeks, leaving narrow streaks down his beautiful face. "Or take me with you, I don't want to lose you!"
     Justin looked at Wren and shakes his head, dropping his hand from the boys face, "Wren, I can not. I would if I could, but I can not."
     Justin could feel a fissure forming in his heart, he could only remember one other time he felt like this, but he didn't want to think about that. He looks at Wren, looking into his doe eyes, "I am sorry, Songbird."
     Wren shakes his head, his blond hair brushing across his forehead, "Don't call me that. Don't act like this isn't hurting both of us! Like you don't feel anything."
     Justin looks at Wren, a hurt look on his face, his own eyes like wounds. "Wren. . . I am sorry, I truly am, I just. . . I am so sorry. . ."
     Wren shakes his head, "You keep saying that, Justin, but do you really mean it? If you are sorry, then why are you doing this. Why can't you just take me with you, if the job offer is more important than me, then just take me with you. Don't leave me behind."
     Justin closes his eyes, "I can not, Wren, I must go on my own. I wish you could come, but you can not. Wren, my songbird, please, understand. . ." He gently grasps Wren's face between his hands.
     Wren's chocolate eyes look up at him and then he pulls away, "I can't understand why you'd do this to me. . . What kind of job offer is more important than us?! What is so important that it gets to slide between us and push us apart?!"
     *My life. . . Your life. . .* Justin wanted to say these things, but he couldn't, he didn't know how. He couldn't tell Wren everything. He loved the human, but he didn't love him enough, did he? He closes his eyes, "Please, beautiful songbird. . . Please, we can try long distance. I can always come see you."
     Wren shakes his head, "Long distance never works. . . You know that, Justin. Just, please, go. . ."
     Justin's face fell, though he wasn't phone savvy, or tech savvy in general, he would be willing to try for Wren. He bites his lip, "Wren. . . It could work, you never know until you try. Please, do not--"
     "Don't push you away?! That's what you're doing to me. You're pushing me away. . . And. . .and for some stupid job?!"
     *If only I could tell him. . .* "I am not pushing you away, Wren! I am. . . I. . ." He trails off, trying to find an excuse for what he was doing, but Wren was right. Whether Justin would admit it or not, he was pushing Wren away from him by moving across the country. He could have chosen the next state over, or hell, a small town outside the city. He closes his eyes, his head dropping.
     "I am sorry, Wren, my beautiful songbird." He steps backwards before turning and rushing out of the apartment they had bought together. Justin would send Wren the money each month for rent until the rest of their six month contract ran out.
     He doesn't take the elevator, using the stairs instead and running down them and out of the apartment complex. It was a crap apartment, Justin had wanted to buy one of the high end apartments in the newer section of the city, but Wren had said even the cheapest apartments would cost too much, and he didn't want Justin paying all the rent.
     He pushes the door open and goes outside, sliding his hands into his pockets and looking up at the sky. He'd say it was about five in the evening, but you never knew with all the daylight savings time bullshit the humans made up. He sighs, and then pulls his hat and sunglasses on.
     The legends about vampires burning in the sun were just that, legends, but they had some merit. The sunlight weakened a vampire greatly, and if in direct sunlight, they didn't sparkle, but they could be blinded. It drained them of their blood, and made them more prone to hunger. Wren had always made fun of Justin and his habits, keeping to shadows and always having sunglasses on in the sunlight as well as a hat, but Justin couldn't help it. He didn't want to be blinded.
     He made his way down the street before stopping and waving down a taxi. It took a few tries, but he managed and got into the backseat. "The S&D club, please."
     The woman looked at him, her gaze skeptical, "You sure you got the money for a club like that?"
     Justin looked down at himself, dressed in his usual. Black skinny jeans with black combat boots, up to the old rock band shirt and the leather jacket he always wore. He could see how the woman thought he didn't have the money for a club like the S&D, but Justin wasn't going to wear a suit, or something else just to go clubbing. He would wear what he was comfortable in.
     He was already in a bad mood and being second guessed wasn't making him feel any better. "Just drive, lady."