"Johnathan where. Is. Casper. " by now, She was frantically yanking him forward by his shirt.

"He's dead," he whispered, but the words seemed to echo in the large cavern as if they'd been shouted.

The fear and dread she felt turned to horror. " No, No, No!" Her words broke off in a choked sob, and she swayed like a puppet with no strings. J.T. shouted in alarm as she fell in the direction of the railing, quickly pulling her back by the waist.

"Let go of me, let go, you son of-I said let go!"

And you forgot?

"My sister loved you, you ass!"

Because he wasn't Lizzie's either...he was mine. So Stephen and I, we.

"do you honestly think my sister could have born a child?

and now we will all burn for the sake of the great McFadden name

God, you, J.T., because I never will