Stephen Funeral


"Now why don't we just... Seamus tried, but his brother was undeterred


"Hell, you were the closest thing he had to a wife! Casper a son! So tell me, Maggie, why? I'd expect it out of J.T., but not you; how could you?"  Francis demanded


"Francis!" Seamus begged glancing between the two. His brother red faced and spitting, Maggie stock still, but Seamus could see the pain there.

"No, Seamus, it's alright." Maggie finally spoke holding up a hand, "He's right."


"That's all you have to say?" Francis shook his head in disbelief. "After all these years, all we've been through?"


"You wouldn't understand," Maggie replied softly, her voice filled with resignation. 


"You're right; I don't." Francis said, his voice filled with frustration. "I think it's best if you keep your distance from now on." 


"Francis!" Seamus grabbed his brother's arms "You can't be serious!" He glanced panicked at Maggie, pleading with his eyes for her to say something.


"Very well," Maggie said, her voice barely above a whisper. "If that's what you wish." and turned away, heading the path that lead out of the cemetery.


"Maggie wait!" Seamus called out, desperation evident in his voice. "Please don't go." 


"Let her go," Francis said firmly, his frustration still evident in his voice. 


Seamus rounded on his brother, gripping the larger man's arms and shaking. "Have you lost your mind?"


Francis huffed wrench off his brother's grasp, and turned in the opposite direction. "She made her bed, let her lie in it."


Seamus shook his head and turned, taking after the woman who was his sister in all but blood. He caught up to her as she prepared to enter a carriage.


"Maggie wait!" Seamus pleaded, "


She turned, "Seamus?"


He panted, "Wait, please you know how Francis is." 


Maggie looked at him sadly, before cupping his cheek 'Dear boy, you may be the best of us all."


He watched helplessly as she turned and got into the carriage