Fandom Wars

Our story begins on a planet far far away called Costco. And on this planet, many shops can be found, as it is the superstore of the universe. You can find all sorts of things in the shops, like books, potions, basically anything you can think of except for fabric softener.

It’s in one of these shops that our main character, Vivi, is in. He is on a quest to stop Rick Ashley from Rick rolling the universe!! Which is why he’s in the item shop to get potions for dealing with whatever final boss nonsense he might deal Vivi’s way. In this item shop, he meets an old wizard. The old wizard tells Vivi how he used to train Rick and knows how powerful Rick is. The old wizard gives Vivi a powerful staff that can help defeat Rick Ashley. Vivi thanks the wizard, and leaves the building.

Vivi knows from experience that the journey to beating the bad guy is a long one, so he goes to the food shop. He picks out a bunch of food, and heads to the checkout counter, but before he reaches there, he sees the shop owner trying to get a green Yoshi out of his shop before he eats everything in the store. Vivi takes out a berry from his shopping basket, which Yoshi takes interest in. Vivi leads Yoshi outside the shop with the berry, with the shop owner telling Vivi not to worry about buying his food, saying it’s on the house.

Meanwhile at Rick’s base…

Muwhahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Laughs Rick. “Does Vivi really think he can defeat me? He smirks. “Well, let’s see if he can handle my little project…”

Back to our hero, who just fed the green dinosaur the fruit.

“Yoshi thanks you!” Yoshi says. “Oh Yoshi’s name is Yoshi!” He then gives Vivi a quizzical look. “Yoshi is wondering who you are?”

“Um… It’s Vivi. I’m on a quest to defeat Rick Ashley before he Rick rolls the universe!”

Yoshi gives a somber look of understanding, before finally saying "Yoshi doesn't like rick."

Meanwhile.............................................................................................................. (that's a lot of dots)

"Mwhahahahahaha." laughs the evil Rick. A minion walks up to Rick and asks "Do you have to do that all the time, boss?" Rick gives the minion a look so scary, the minion faints! "Good Grief... Now where was I? Oh, yes..." Rick then telports his "project" to the planet Vivi is on (don don don)

-Back to our heroes-

Vivi and Yoshi were still talking to each other, until they felt a rumble. They looked around, and they see a large slime,which they didn't know where it came from, ready to attack them.

Vivi, thinking fast, cast Fire onto the slime shrinking it down to a more smaller size. So small, in fact, that Yoshi tongued the slime and ate it whole!

"Yum" said Yoshi, licking his lips "Sour Apple! That's Yoshi's favorite flavor!"

-Back in the evil lair-

At Rick's lair, Rick looks at his "see what the good guys are doing" ball, and gets so angry that he yeets the nearest minion he could find into the next galaxy. After that, he took a deep breath, and said "Oh well. I didn't put that much thought in making it." And walked away to do evil stuff.

-Now to our heroes for the rest of the chapter-

After a bit of walking, Vivi and Yoshi made their way to the shipyard. "So" Yoshi asked Vivi "why are Vivi and Yoshi here for?"

"We are here for somebody who pilots their own ship." Vivi answered "The ship I was on was an escape pod, and it crashed into this world. So we are here, looking for somebody who has a ship and wouldn't mind us tagging along."