Making Gil As Botanist in Final Fantasy XIV

Making gil is one of the most important aspects to keeping your wallet full in Final Fantasy XIV. There are several tried and true methods to raking in the dough. These methods involve crafting and gathering materials. Those that are dedicated to their Jobs can make a significant amount of money.


When it comes to making money in Final Fantasy XIV, there are many different ways you can go about it. Players often look to crafting as a way to earn enormous sums of Gil. However, this method can be slow and requires a lot of patience.

For those who prefer to play the gathering classes, there are a few good gil-making methods that can be utilized. One popular method is to flip prisms on the market board for a quick profit. This can be done by taking Allagan Tomestone of Poetics to Hismena in Idyllshire (5.8, 5.4) and trading them in for Unidentifiable Ore. Another method to make a decent amount of gil is to complete Beast Tribe Quests. These can be completed for a variety of rewards, including gil, tomestones, and even Ventures. You can also sell the unique dyes you create to other players on the Market Board for a nice chunk of gil.

Gathering Classes

In FFXIV, you can make a lot of gil by farming with your gathering class. Gathering classes are important because they harvest natural resources throughout Eorzea, which you can then sell to other players in the market board for a profit. In addition, these classes have a high chance of obtaining rare items that sell for a premium price.

This is a great way to make gil in f14 gil because there are always new things to craft, gather, and sell. The more you level your gathering class, the more money you will earn. You should always keep your crafting and gathering classes up to date with the latest content so you can maximize the amount of gil you earn. For example, there are often times when a new piece of gear or furniture will go on sale for a high price. This is because the initial demand is high. The same goes for new materials for crafted items.

Daily Roulette

FFXIV has many different ways to make gil, from farming to Market Board investments. Some of these methods are more efficient than others, however. It is important to keep in mind that time is money, and the more efficient a task is, the more gil you will make.

Among the most efficient ways to make gil in FFXIV is by doing FATEs, especially those from the Shadowbringers and Endwalker expansions. These will provide a steady source of Gil in exchange for experience and Grand Company Seals.

Players can also earn a substantial amount of gil by doing daily Roulettes, which will give them a random combination of experience points, Tomestones, and Grand Company Seals. However, players should be aware that some of these rewards require specific jobs in order to be earned. This can be a significant drawback for those who are trying to maximize their profit. Fortunately, this method of making gil is relatively quick and easy to master.

Market Board

The market board is one of the best ways to make gil in FFXIV. It offers a variety of goods that players will need, including tools, ingredients, gear, and class weapons. This method is also great for bringing in a steady income and earning a good amount of in-game currency quickly.

However, the market board is a fickle place and is subject to supply and demand. Once enough people pick up a particular crafting item, the price of it will drop and it will no longer be profitable.

Thankfully, there are still a few other reliable ways to make money in FFXIV, such as flipping prisms on the market board. This may not be the most lucrative way to make gil, but it is quick and easy. It's also a great way to stay ahead of the curve when new content hits. By doing this, you'll be ready to sell your items for the highest possible profit.