Sucky fansty sample ^^

**This one that is horror**

The song came to an end with its usual ooh which sounds more like an ugh. We collapse into the dirt covered blanket that we laid out earlier. It takes a while for our breaths to catch up, almost two full minutes of huffing and puffing before Onix can get a word out.

“I’m tired,” They exhale. I nod. “Wanna turn in for the night? We have almost another week here.” It was our annual week in the woods, this year was two weeks because of sickness last year. 

“Yeah, I’ll take in the blanket and speaker. You go set up the beds.” I begin getting to my feet. They follow suit and head into the camper. I hum gently as I shake out the blanket before folding it up into a neat square. 

“Lea,” I hear being whispered to me.

“Yeah?” I turn around. My eyes glaze over the entire clearing in one glance. 

“Lea,” It calls out again. 

“Lea,” Again

“Lea” Again, eveytime sounding more and more like Onix. 

“Oh, my god. We were 12, I am not going into the woods with you. I am not repeating that this year, get back in the camper stupid.” I call back, trying to find out where they are. I know how this goes. Every year they take me into the woods and kiss me silly. It's a dumb tribute to when we were 12 and thought that that was so grown up and cool. 

“Lea,” Again

“Onix, I swear if this is just a plot to get me to kiss you I swear I will knock out a tooth” I moan walking into the woods after putting on my crocks.

“Lea,” Again, more desperate this time. I walk deeper into the dark woods, following the noise. The woods seem off tonight, they seem hostile now, like an old friend who you deserted for their enemy. 

“I’m coming god,” I huff

“LEA!” It screams. I run towards it

“ONIX!” I scream back, desperation in my voice. 

I turn a corner in the thick trees. I freeze. Some thing calls out to me. 

“Lea,” The word falls from its twisted mouth and it lunges to me. I’m screaming as loud as I can. I can feel it pulling me apart limb from limb. It pulls every arm and leg apart at the joint like its trying to make me into the smallest pieces ever. I can feel the red-hot blood drip from my wounds. The pain is more than I can bear. I’m screaming as loud as I can. The creature whispers “Lea,” everytime they rip another thing off of what's left of my body. 

Now I lay here, I can feel the blood leaving my joints. My eyes are foggy. The last thing I see is the creature devouring one of my thighs. Then, I take my last breath. Good bye Onix, good bye woods, goodbye to everyone who ever loved me. I’ll see you again, very soon.

**This one is about witches!!**

Mark was running through the woods. I knew him. I could tell where he was going to go next. We explored the woods together everyday, back before it. 

“Mark~” My voice echoed through the woods. The poison lost in honey. “Where are you, darling?” I suddenly appear behind him. Being born a witch sure has some advantages. 

“W-why are you doing this?” Mark's shaky voice filled the air.

“I’m only doing what your father did to my mom. It's what's best.” I shrug. He spins around, surprised to see me there.

“Wh-?” He sputters, then it clicks. “You’re one of them. You're like your mother. You're a witch.” He spits. I really thought he would have figured it out before. I was careless as a child and we’ve been best friends since birth. He didn’t know about his father. He thought I didn’t know either. Spoiler alert, I did know. I figured it out years ago and began plotting. 

I don't say anything. Instead I scoff. My arm moves gently. It alerts him. It was a whole lot easier when he didn't know but now he does. Mark goes off on some rant about how he’ll bash my skull in and kill me. While he's ranting I cast something simple. The ground closes in around him.

“Jessica, stop!” He screams. “Why are you like this? This isn’t you!” It's simple really he thinks I’m in some kind of a trance or fury and I can just fall down and start crying. Crying. I hate that we have history. My eyes are practically fountains. I wipe my eyes. A sickening sweet smile fills my face. I know it's the last thing he sees.

“WHERE AM I?” Mark screams. His voice penetrates the silence.It doesn't surprise me. Who wouldn't scream when waking up knowing a witch used their magic to make you blackout? I turn around.

“Calm down, Darling. We’re just in a treehouse.”My voice comes out as a belladonna, my favorite plant. He goes white as a sheet. I walk to him. My hands untie the blindfold with eaze. 

“Jessica, stop. Please. I’m begging you. I’m one too. Just please, untie me.”Mark's voice shakes. I don’t trust him. He just wants to kill you. “Please…” 

I let him go. I’ve known this kid since we were born. I can tell when he's lying or not.

“Jessica, I thought you were better than this.” He says, in a voice that isn't his own. “I’m sorry that I have to do this. Goodbye, I love you” TWACK. Mark watches the blood pour out of my head. “I had the biggest advantage. History with the target.” 

Suddenly I’m dead. The same bloodline killed me and my mother. Luckly, I’ve left behind a child of my own. The line of Johnson witches will survive. Good luck, Hannah, keep my girl safe.