There are a lot of stories about superheroes. These stories show them beating up bad guys, returning the innocent people's wallets, saving them from falling buildings, always saving the day.
And when the day is always saved, it tends to make everyone think it's the norm. But with this game...
I'll make sure to show them it's not
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"Thank you so much for bringing back my bells, Kid Cat!"
"It's no problem, Dotty!" I say in my heroic voice "But you should really start carrying a purse. This is the sixth time you dropped your bells."
Her eyes light up in embarrassment. "Six times? I really do need a purse!" She smiles "I should have enough bells to get one anyway! Thanks for your help again!"
I put one of my paws behind my helmet as she leaves "It really was not a problem! Just don't drop them again!"
Dotty leaves to go to her house, as I sigh. Don't get me wrong, but there's barely anything happening in this Island. I always want to help whoever, but most of the time they don't need any, or they just go to the mayor to let him do all their work. Lazy bums...
Oh, right, I haven't introduced myself yet. Well, I am the protector of Jabberwock Island, Kid Cat, here to help my fellow villagers and kick bad guy butt!
Eventually. It won't be today, because it's already night time and everyone's in their house. Might as well go back to mine and get some good sleepy time.
So I walked towards my house passing through the shopping area, then more houses, turn right at the dock with a strange boat and-
I stopped myself, and looked at the boat. That was new. Typically, that dock is empty, with nothing note worthy to say about it.
But now their was a boat, and there looked like someone was inside it. Well, as this island's superhero, I suppose I can come in for a bit and say hi. Welcome them to the island.
I went to knock on the door, but the door was already wide open. They must have forgotten to close it... I went inside anyway, just to see if anyone was home.
"Hello, anyone home?" I called out, hoping for an answer from someone in here. I walked in further into the boat, closing the door behind me. "Um, there's nothing to worry about. I'm the superhero of this island, so you don't have to be shy!" I made my biggest smile, hoping to calm them down.
"A superhero, you say?"
I looked around to see where that voice came from, but found nobody. "That's right! Can you please come out of your hiding spot?"
They didn't, but they were about to say something that a supervillain would say.
"Perfect... Your just what we were looking for the Super Defeation game."
Super... Defeation??? I tried to get out, but the door was locked, and there was something in the air that was making me gagged.
"Relax, it's sleeping gas. Now let's see how long you last in the game..."
I'm I.... Being kidnapped? No I... Can't... Everyone here needs.... Me....
"Good night, Kid Cat"