First write<3


“You?!” Hunter spat. My girlfriend is a witch. Disgusting. He thought furiously.

“Please, it’s not like that! I don't curse people!” Maria cried, kneeling on the floor before him. Tears were rolling down her face. She was terrified of what the guy in front of her could do. No, what the gun he was holding could do.

“So you admit it,”

“Yes, but please-”

“Shut up. I don’t need to listen to your excuses,”

“Please, don’t let me die.”



Hunter stumbled backward, taken aback. That was 7 months ago. Maria is getting married today. Not to Hunter. To Jenn  It was their deal. She told him everything about witches. What he needed to kill one. All their weaknesses. In return Hunter let Maria live until the baby was born. 

The one thing Hunter didn't know was that Jenn was a witch too. Jenn had been informed of the plan two days into the relationship. Feed Hunter incorrect information, when the time comes kill him. Hunter was smart though. He said that to insure that Maria died as soon as the child was born, he would play doctor. Have an at home birth. In order to insure that Maria and the baby(who Jenn and Maria planned to name Jessica) survived Jenn was going to murder Hunter then take Maria and Jessica to the hospital.

The day had come. 

“Jenn! Call the doctor,” Maria called across the small apartment she shared with Jenn.

“On it darling!” Jenn hollered back. 

Soon enough Maria was laid out on a bed with Hunter holding a baby girl. Maria was handed the baby. 

“I love you,” She said, overly dramatic. This was the cue word. Jenn busted into the room. 

“Darling, I'll take her. Get some rest.” Jenn said taking the small being and walking out. She stayed close to the door so she could listen to Hunter.

“I gave you your child. Now for my part of the bargain.” Hunter’s muffled voice came out the door. Jenn burst in. A bat in her arms instead of a baby.

“Get your hands away from my wi-'' Jenn's face went as white as Maria’s. She had seen it. Hunter was holding a gun in front of Maria. BANG! The gunshot filled the air. Jenn screamed and ran at Hunter, bat raised, ready to attack. BANG! Another gunshot fired. Jenn fell to the ground, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. 

“Two witches one day,” Hunter said looking at the lifeless women's bodies, one  laying in a bed, the other a lump on the floor. Black blood spilled out of both of them. What if the baby is one of them? The thought filled his head. Quickly he ran out the door to the cradle on the floor and pulled out a pocket knife. He sliced the baby's arm open, just enough for a few drops of blood to spill out. Red blood.

Normal. Just like me. Hunter thought, not knowing that witches' powers and black blood start at age 8. 


Its been almost 7 months sence Maria and Jenns murder. Hunter had moved to a different town. Goten another girl pregnant and married her. The baby Jessica had been placed on a loving couples doorstop with a note.